
英 [rɪˈliːfs] 美 [riˈlifs]

n.  (不快过后的)宽慰,轻松; 解脱; (焦虑、痛苦等的)减轻,消除,缓和; (给灾区或交战地区人民提供的)救济,救援物品


  1. N-UNCOUNT 宽慰;安心;欣慰;解脱
    If you feel a sense of relief, you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.
    1. I breathed a sigh of relief...
    2. The news will come as a great relief to the French authorities...
    3. To his relief a loud knock on the door spared him from giving an explanation...
    4. It's a relief to get out of the office once in a while.
  2. N-UNCOUNT (疼痛或苦痛的)解除,免除,减轻,缓解
    If something provides relief from pain or distress, it stops the pain or distress.
    1. This brought considerable relief from the pain.
    2. ...a self-help programme which can give lasting relief from the torment of hay fever.
  3. N-UNCOUNT 救济;救援物资
    Relief is money, food, or clothing that is provided for people who are very poor, or who have been affected by war or a natural disaster.
    1. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.
    2. ...famine relief.
  4. N-COUNT 代班人;换班工人
    A relief worker is someone who does your work when you go home, or who is employed to do it instead of you when you are sick.
    1. No relief drivers were available.
  5. 浮雕
    A relief is a sculpture that is carved out of a flat vertical surface.
    1. See also: bas-relief tax relief


    1. They range from larger-than-life statues of Akhenaten to exquisitely sculpted reliefs and dazzling jewelry to such poignant reminders of everyday life as a perfectly preserved child's sandal.
    2. Mushi everywhere on the island in the exquisite statues and reliefs, therefore, the island called the "art island" Fitch.
    3. Inspired by Scythian reliefs and executed in various techniques, this style highlights combats between man and animals or animals fighting other animals.
    4. Instead the Divorce Act mirrored the reliefs available under the Judicial Separation Act, introduced at a time when divorce was not contemplated.
    5. The income tax base will be broadened, sales taxes will be raised, new taxes introduced and a range of tax reliefs abolished.
    6. The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs.
    7. In this method, reliefs, plates, figure and animal shape, etc, which made of glass epoxy, are evaporated, and the results are perfect.
    8. Eyepieces can be found with shorter eye reliefs than that, but they are not comfortable to use for long periods.
    9. The reliefs were created to illustrate the content of the monument writing and can be divided into ten sections.
    10. In this, revenue rises only to 19 per cent of GDP, around the long-run average, as tax cuts are extended and other fiscal reliefs are introduced.
    11. Compared with the stone reliefs in other Chinese areas, those in Sichuan are simpler, more lively and more natural.
    12. Relax amidst original frescoes and sculptured reliefs, graced by sunlight and airy garden vistas.
    13. In a credit-fuelled boom, tax reliefs for bigger mortgages and other kinds of debt reduce revenues.
    14. Some reliefs in Sichuan are about 11 meters long portraying vehicles, acrobatics, dancing performances, farming practices, cooking scenes and historical stories.
    15. From reliefs she moved to objects, using papier m â ch é, paint, tubing, dyed nets and dangling string.
    16. Themal reliefs are sometimes also used on vias very near, or in, pads of SMT components for the same reason.
    17. In the stricken areas, the existence of co-operatives also helps relief work through production. A review of disaster reliefs at the beginning of new China
    18. In recent months, the several parents I've personally heard speak of giving their children an ultimatum have thrown the anxieties and frustrations of parenting into sharp reliefs.
    19. The housings are light but wearing them over-the-ear can initially be tricky because of the long strain reliefs and resistive cable.
    20. Inside the house are many reliefs made up with ancient porcelain chips and each of them represents a different beautiful wish.
    21. In a speech planned for today the president is expected to call for new investment tax credits, including the permanent extension of tax reliefs for research and development.
    22. The cloudy haze design as a typical image presents in various forms in Han stone reliefs.
    23. Discussion of The Artistic Ideas of Stone Reliefs In Coffin Chamber In The Northern And Southern Dynasties
    24. The art of working metal or other materials by the use of embossing and chasing to form minute detailed reliefs. The souvenir medal is made of pure silver, adopting the embossment color printing technology.
    25. Many animal stone paintings and reliefs of the Han Dynasty revealed both the elements of primitive religion, tribal totem or ethnic belief in their creativity and other deep? Rooted religious consciousness.
    26. The Aztec and Mayans decorated the pyramids and temples with brightly painted sculptural reliefs and large frescoes or mythical animals.
    27. The Nanyang Han Dynasty's stone reliefs are one of the most representative artistic achievements of extant Dynasty's stone reliefs in China.
    28. There are three distinctive artistic expressions of the Nanyang Han Dynasty's stone reliefs: scattering perspective, modelling with lines, modelling with images.
    29. Researches on the Han Dynasty stone reliefs require a fundamental change in methods and ideology.