英 [rɪˈlɪdʒənz ]
美 [riˈlɪdʒənz ]
n. 宗教; 宗教信仰; 教派; 特别的兴趣; 重大的影响 religion的复数
N-UNCOUNT 宗教信仰;宗教活动Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief, such as praying or worshipping in a building such as a church or temple.
...his understanding of Indian philosophy and religion... 他对印度哲学和宗教信仰的理解 Do avoid potentially contentious subjects such as religion, sex or politics. 一定要避免可能引起争议的话题,如宗教、性和政治。
N-COUNT 宗教;教派 A religion is a particular system of belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this system.
...the Christian religion. 基督教
PHRASE (突然)信教,皈依(某种)宗教 If you say that someone has got religion , you are referring in a mocking way to the fact that they have suddenly decided to follow a particular religion.
This guy got religion about a year back. 这家伙一年前信了教。
Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them. 为了生存,宗教必须同其赖以存在的更大的政治体系相调和。
There are certain ethical principles that are basic to all the great religions. 某些道德原则在所有主要宗教中都是必不可少的。
His 'cosmic vision' is to blend Christianity with 'the wisdom of all world religions'. 他的“远大设想”就是将基督教和“全世界所有宗教的智慧”融为一体。
Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur. 如果不尊重别人的宗教信仰,就会祷下大错,酿成冲突。
The Mayor of Jerusalem has tried to minimise conflict by maintaining a middle way between the various religions. 耶路撒冷市市长对各宗教采取折中的态度,力图使冲突最小化。
Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined. 多数宗教教导人们要真诚和律己。
All religions are united by the common threads of fighting evil and helping others 所有宗教都因为惩恶助人这一共同主题而联合起来。
Most religions teach you to be truthful 大部分宗教都教导人要诚实。
Asia is the birthplace of the great religions of the world. 亚洲是世界各大宗教的发祥地。
This is an intimate knowledge of African religions. 这是一本关于非洲宗教的详尽知识的书。
Work with regard to ethnic groups, religions, and overseas Chinese was strengthened. 民族、宗教和侨务工作进一步加强。
Religions have had a close relationship not only with violence but with economic exploitation. 宗教不但与暴力,也与经济剥削曾有着密切的关系。
He dabbled in religions. 他涉猎宗教。
All religions teach the existence of soul beyond matter. 所有的宗教都说物质以外还有灵魂。
Then you have to learn to respect people from different cultures, religions and with different skin colours. 你要学会尊重不同文化、不同宗教信仰和不同种族的人。
Wicca is different than the religions of the ancient people, but it embraces some of the same beliefs. 巫术崇拜不同于古代人民的宗教信仰,但它包含了一些同样的信仰要素。
I've lost faith in everything – religions, philosophies and political utopias. 我对所有事情都失去了信心&宗教,哲学和政治乌托邦。
Some Moslems even changed their faith to Christianity or other religions. 这些宗教的寺院、堂遍布天山南北,有些穆斯林甚至改信了基督教等其他宗教。
Buddhism and other Eastern religions fascinate me. 佛教和其他东方宗教令我着迷。
Most religions in the world advocate philanthropism and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. 世界上大部分的宗教主张博爱与宽恕,而博爱与宽恕可化解仇恨和报复。
Indeed, they rejected the Buddhist and Taoist religions. 事实上,他们拒绝了佛教和道教的宗教。
In some religions this is known as heaven. 在某些宗教中,这被知晓为天堂。
Shintoism and Buddhism are the major religions, with minority of Christians and Daoist, etc. 主要信奉神道和佛教,少数人信奉基督教和道教等。
They represent many races, religions and political beliefs. 他们代表了不同种族、信仰和政治观点。
Concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions. 与促进各教派及宗教间团结有关。
It was closely identified with pagan religions and superstitions. 他被视为异教徒的信仰和迷信。
I quite know Buddhism, I have read a few books about Chinese religions. 我比较认识佛教,我读过谈中国宗教的一些书了。
Buddhism and Brahmanism are the religions which have more philosophical thoughts. 佛教和婆罗门教是各种宗教中思辨性较强的派别。
We have very few traditions of our own but we enjoy sharing the holidays of various religions. 澳洲没有太多自己的传统,但是澳洲人很乐意分享各种宗教和文化中的节日和习俗。
We offer this prayer service to all religions, all countries, and all nationalities. 我们为世界上所有的宗教团体,国家和人民提供祈祷服务。