N-UNCOUNT (过度)虔诚;笃信宗教 If you refer to a person's religiosity, you are referring to the fact that they are religious in a way which seems exaggerated and insincere.
This religiosity was rather clear about how this was to be achieved or gained through the temple sacrifice and the following of the law through the letter. 这种宗教情结相当清楚地是通过圣殿内的祭献及遵守字面上的律法而实现或赢得的。
However, ratings of the dead David's mind in the story in which his corpse was embalmed and buried varied with the participant's religiosity. 然而,对于后一种描述中死去的“大卫”的思维能力的评估却因受访者宗教虔诚度的不同而有所差异。
How different from the perfect Christian God! One and Many: the Approach, Presupposition and Time Spirit of Phenomenology of "Religiosity" 这些神跟基督教那个十全十美的上帝多么不同!一与多:宗教性的现象学的进路、预设与时代精神
The state was avowedly secular and went further than any other Arab country in clamping down on signs of religiosity. 突尼斯曾明确推行世俗化,在打压宗教信仰上比其他任何阿拉伯国家都有过之而无不及。
Their target audience consists of baby-boomers who left the church in adolescence, who do not feel comfortable with overt displays of religiosity, who dread turning into their parents, and who apply the same consumerist mentality to spiritual life as they do to everything else. 这些人在铺天盖地的宗教演示里不会觉得自在,他们完全变成他们父母那样,他们在精神生活和其他方面一样采取同样的消费主义的思想。
Religiosity of Muslim Students in Middle School: Strcture and Measurement 穆斯林中学生的宗教性:结构与测量
However, these reasons cannot adequately explain the "decline" of the Shantung region. Therefore, attention is given at the end of the paper to the influence of religiosity on this region. 然而,上述影响汉士地域分布的主要因素,并无法充分解释山东地区的「没落」,因此最后将另辟一节,观察宗教气氛的弥漫对该地发展的影响。
The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism. 古代宗教狂热的本质,就是代罪羔羊的机制。
The Lord knows when one is a hypocrite who feigns religiosity; this person may be able to fool others, but he cannot fool God. 耶和华洞悉假意敬虔虚伪之人的作为;这个人也许能够愚弄其他的人,但却无法瞒骗得了上帝。
A Study on the Religiosity of Christian Adolescents in Rural China: Based on the case of Christian Group in the Country of GanSu Province 中国西北农村基督教青少年宗教性研究&以甘肃W村基督教群体为例
Old Testament religiosity centered around the idea of justification, i.e.becoming just in front of God. 旧约时代对虔诚的概念是围绕著公义为思想的中心,即站在天主面前。
One and Many: the Approach, Presupposition and Time Spirit of Phenomenology of "Religiosity" 教会宗教或精神团体一与多:宗教性的现象学的进路、预设与时代精神
That separation reflects the strange historical paradox of American religiosity: why is it that religion is both at the heart of the nation and legally excluded from its centres of power? 政教分离体现了美国人宗教情结的奇怪历史矛盾:为什么宗教一方面存在于国民的内心深处,另一方面从法律上被排除在权力中心以外?
And a previous Gallup analysis supports this idea, finding the relationship between religiosity and emotional wellbeing is stronger among poor countries. 而之前盖洛普的一个分析报告也支持了这个观点,报告显示,贫困国家的宗教虔诚度和心理幸福度关系非常密切。
It is not difficult to understand that such a religiosity was prone to self-righteousness and self-justification. 而我们也不难理解,这样的宗教情结使人倾向于伪善或自以为是。
While a decline in religiosity has contributed to the shift, Musgrove said it's mainly a reflection of a cultural phenomenon. 对宗教的虔诚大不如前很大程度上促进了这种变化,马斯格罗夫认为这主要体现了一种文化现象。
This reflects the strong relationship between a country's socioeconomic status and the religiosity of its residents. 这表明了一个国家社会经济状况和居民宗教信仰虔诚度的紧密联系。
You got a problem with my religiosity, oz? 你对我的宗教有意见么,奥兹?
So any kind of ideas, I think any community is defined by its religiosity; they're still made up by normal individuals and human beings. 我想,任何的想法,任何的社会都是由其宗教信仰所定义的,它们仍然是由个人所组成的。
The pop culture elements in religion, however, weaken the theological theory of religion, which makes American people's religious beliefs wide but not profound. The coexistence of religiosity and secularism is still a prominent trait of American religion culture. 但是,宗教中的通俗文化成分淡化了宗教的神学理论,使美国人的宗教信仰广泛而不深刻,虔敬与世俗并存依然是美国宗教文化的一个显著特点。
However, these studies are mainly of philosophy and religiosity. 但这些研究主要以哲学或宗教学为主,缺乏实证的田野研究。
In the times of the Enlightenment, rationality became a strong weapon to get rid of theocracy-worship and religiosity. 在启蒙时代,理性则成为剔除神权崇拜与宗教迷狂的有力武器。
The Mandate of Heaven as the Source of Virtue: Religiosity of Confucian Morality 从以天论德看儒家道德的宗教作用
It raises a question that, to have a better understanding of the development of modern science in China, we have to penetrate into the religiosity that has been sustaining modern science. 为了佐证这一观点,文中对徐光启和伽利略进行了简要比较,并提出这样一个议题:为了更好地理解中国现代科学的发展,我们不得不透视作为现代科学基础的宗教意识。
Trends in the Interpretation of Confucian Religiosity in the West 儒家宗教性研究的趋向
Due to the special identity of O'Connor as a southern woman writer with Catholic religiosity, many commentators probed into the problems with her grotesque characters, absurd plots, Gothic horror, complex images and profound themes. 由于她是一位具有浓厚宗教色彩的南方女作家,相当多的评论都集中在探讨畸形人物、古怪情节、哥特式恐怖、复杂意象和深邃主题方面。
The study drew the following conclusions. ( 1) The revised religiosity scale is composed of 13 items, with intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions remained. 最终得出以下结论:(1)修订后的宗教性量表由13个项目组成,仍然保留原量表的内、外倾宗教性两个维度。
Regarding the politic mentality, due to the policy difference of politics and literature, the characters of forbearance and sneaking, exposure and holding, religiosity and hesitation are taken on the falling area, the white area and the liberated area respectively. 政治心理方面,由于政治文化策略的差异而使沦陷区、国统区和解放区分别呈现出隐忍与潜行、高昂暴露与坚守自我、虔诚与徘徊等特点。
With increased ages, Christians 'psychological happiness, religiosity and social support increased while perceived stress decreased. ( 4) Male and female Christians are significantly different in psychological well-being, social support and perceived stress, and marginally different in intrinsic-extrinsic trend of religiosity. 随着年龄的增加,基督徒的心理幸福感、宗教性、社会支持在增强,知觉到的压力在降低。