Remington's operations in Japan are now in the black 雷明顿在日本的业务现在有盈利。
During 1984, Remington spent a lot of money on advertising and promotion 1984年,雷明顿公司在广告和促销方面花费了大量的资金。
TASK: Find the sketch of Duke Remington's desired wardrobe. 任务:找到杜克雷明顿的理想衣柜草图。
A philosophy started to form among us& a nostalgia for a time when things weren't so disposable, when you had your grandfather's Remington typewriter and it still worked. 一种哲学的思想在我们中间形成-人们向往过去,也就是当东西不是轻易被抛弃的时代,就像祖父留下的一台古老的打字机还能正常使用的感觉。
At the same time, using Remington's wheel-rail interaction model, calculate the interaction force between the wheel and rail and the input power of each subsystem. 同时利用Remington建立的轮轨接触模型,由轮轨间的表面粗糙度谱计算出了轮轨间的接触力,并将其作为产生轮轨振动的激励力得到了各子系统的输入功率。