Trade deficits are made up for by remittances from emigrants and by foreign aid, overwhelmingly from New Zealand. 多数来自新西兰的贸易逆差由移民汇款和国外援助进行弥补。
Remittances from Mongolians working abroad both legally and illegally constitute a sizeable portion. 来自国外工作的蒙古人的合法或非法汇款占了这些钱的很大一部分。
Earlier this week, the United States relaxed bans on travel and remittances to the island by Cuban-Americans. 本星期早些时候,美国宣布放松对古巴裔美国人赴古巴旅行和向古巴汇款的限制。
The remittances they send to support families in their home countries are a major contributor to economies worldwide. 他们汇款养活原籍国的家庭,是全球经济的一个重要促进因素。
Even assuming remittances are beneficial, the social costs are high. 即使认为汇款是有益的,社会代价也很高。
One danger, say economists, is that remittances can end up improving towns emptied by mass migration. 经济学家们表示,一个危险在于,汇款可能最终改善的是被大规模移民掏空了的小镇。
It's difficult for us to boycott [ remittances] because our families would be affected. 我们很难联合抵制(汇款),因为我们的家人会受到影响。
While capital flows tend to rise and fall with the economic cycle, flows of remittances were more stable. 尽管资本流动会随着经济周期起落,但汇款流动却更为稳定。
An expansion of credit, rising incomes, and strong worker remittances are buoying private consumption. 信贷扩张、收入上升和大量工人汇款支撑起私人消费。
There is some concern about the macroeconomic impact of remittances. 对于汇款对宏观经济的影响,人们有些担心。
Such measures might include easing the curbs on travel and remittances to Cuba by Cuban-Americans. 此类措施可能包括放松对古巴裔美国人赴古巴旅游和向古巴汇款的限制。
Many fragile states are heavily dependent on commodity exports, remittances, foreign aid and emergency and security assistance. 为今年9月二十国集团匹兹堡峰会撰写的一篇文章保护发展:全球衰退背景下低收入国家面临的挑战(pdf格式)指出,很多脆弱国家倚重商品出口、汇款、外国援助以及紧急和安全援助。
Inward and outward remittances are usually carried out by a mail transfer, demand draft, or telegraphic transfer. 汇进和汇出通常是通过信汇来完成的,即期汇票或电汇。
A downturn in Western Europe and Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine would hit low income economies by slowing remittances. 西欧以及俄国、哈萨克和乌克兰的增长速度的减慢将给低收入国家带来汇款增速减慢的打击。
GEP recommends increasing access by poor migrants and their families to formal financial services for sending and receiving remittances. 《全球经济展望》建议应增加贫困移民及其家庭使用正规金融服务渠道来汇出和领取汇款。
Remittances are one consequence of migration that benefit both the migrants'families and their home countries. 汇款是人口流动的结果之一,不仅可以惠及外出人员家庭,还可以使其国家受益。
A World Bank Group online remittances database tracks the costs of such transactions. 世行集团的在线汇款数据库对汇款费用进行跟踪。
Overall, in both developed and developing countries, remittances worldwide exceeded US$ 232 billion dollars this year. 从总体看,全世界发达国家和发展中国家今年的汇款总额超过了2320亿美元。
Their remittances help boost rural incomes. 他们汇回家乡的钱,推动了农村人均收入的上涨。
Moldova and Lesotho that are the largest recipients of remittances. “但是从汇款占GDP的比例来看,汤加、摩尔多瓦和莱索托是最大的汇款接收国”。
The World Bank's authors think only a third of remittances go on education, savings and business investment. 世界银行的作者认为只有三分之一的金钱投向了教育、蓄和商业投资。
In addition, remittances appear to help households maintain their consumption levels through economic shocks and adversity. 此外,汇款显然有助于居民在遭受经济冲击和陷入困境时维持其消费水平。
Remittances lead to more investments in health, education, and small business. 海外汇款带来卫生、教育和小企业的投资增加。
Countries in the region could be further affected if remittances decline as expected, according to World Bank research. 世界银行的研究认为,如果汇款像预期的那样下降,该地区国家将受到进一步影响。
In Nicaragua, remittances significantly improved the likelihood of doctor-assisted births, a big factor in reducing maternal mortality. 在尼加拉瓜,汇款极大提高了医生助产的可能性,这是降低母亲死亡率的一个重要因素。
Smaller, poorer countries, conflict countries, fragile countries, depend a lot on remittances. 小国、较贫困国家、冲突国家和脆弱国家倚重汇款。
Third, with poor countries inevitably the hardest hit by the global economic storms remittances, inward investment and exports will all fall development assistance will become even more important for them. 第三,穷国不可避免地受全球经济风暴打击最严重汇款、对内投资和出口都会下降发展援助对它们将变得甚至更重要。
Have started to conduct personal renminbi business here, including deposits, remittances, exchange and credit cards. 由二月起,香港银行在港陆续开展个人人民币业务,包括存款、汇款、兑换及信用卡业务。
I think the fundamental point about remittances managed through a diaspora bond will essentially be the people-to-people connection. 我认为,通过发行海外人士债券方式管理汇款的根本点最终将是建立人与人之间的联系。
Ratha says requests for data and projections on remittances have "skyrocketed" in the last three months. Ratha说,过去三个月以来,希望获得汇款数据和预测的请求“暴涨”了。