One is the principal or remitter, usually the seller or exporter. 一方是委托人或托收人,通常是销售商或出口商。
Payer is the person whose name is on the instrument, and should bear the obligation of payment, payer of the draft, remitter of note and bank for payment of the check are the payer. 付款人是票据上载明的、承担付款责任的人,汇票上的付款人、本票的出票人和支票的付款银行为票据付款人。
Remittance is missing, the remitter should inquire inside 1 year only and claim for compensation, post office ought to inquire according to the regulation and compensate for. 汇款丢失,汇款人只要在1年内查询和索赔,邮局就应当按照规定查询和赔偿。
A payment may involve the bank as a remitter of funds, a beneficiary of funds, or an intermediary in the payment. 在发放过程中银行将会是资金发放人或资金受益人或发放中介。
There are three parties to a money order: the remitter ( payer), the payee and the drawee. 汇款单涉及三方:汇款人(付款人)、收款人、受票人。
A service for making transfer between receiver and remitter who both have accounts opened in ICBC. “汇款直通车”是指收款人和汇款人均在工行开户,进行工行内账户间转账汇款的业务。
In case Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter. 若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担。
Blank bill refers to the bill which remitter only signs but leaves other items blank and remitter authorizes other people to finish the bill. 空白票据指票据行为人仅在票据上签名,而将票据上其他应记载事项,全部或一部分授权他人完成的票据。
For the financial organ, the discount is the service of loans with the commercial credit. After the mature day, the financial organ takes back the fund from the remitter. 而对金融机构来说,贴现是与商业信用结合的放款业务,票据到期后,金融机构即可向出票人收回资金。