VERB 抗议;表示异议;反对 If you remonstrate with someone, you protest to them about something you do not approve of or agree with, and you try to get it changed or stopped.
He remonstrated with the referee... 他向裁判抗议。
I jumped in the car and went to remonstrate. 我跳进汽车去提出抗议。
Curve smoothness adopting the second generation wavelet is verified in a specific instance, and remonstrating the method of simple algorithm is favor of application. 通过实例验证表明,运用第二代小波变换进行曲线光顺,运算简单,易于推广。
The remonstrating officials played an active social role on the political and cultural stages of the Middle Tang Dynasty. 谏官是中唐政治和文化舞台上活跃的社会角色之一。
He followed up this remarkable declaration, by shaking his head in a waggish manner for ten minutes, as though he were remonstrating with himself for being such a pleasant dog; 这一份意义重大的公告发布完毕,他怪模怪样地摇了十分钟脑袋,活像是在苦苦劝告自己当一只讨人喜欢的狗一样。
The Activity of Remonstrating Officials and the Literature in the Middle Tang Dynasty 谏官及其活动与中唐文学
The Study on System of Remonstrating with the Emperor in Ming and Qing Dynasty 明清言谏制度研究
This article takes the system of remonstrating with the Emperor in Ming and Qing Dynasty as the research object. 本文不拟对中国古代的言谏制度进行全面的探讨,而只以明清的言谏制度作为主要研究对象和研究范围。
Politics and history have a pervasive effect to the literature. The culture of remonstrating with the Emperor itself is a political culture which, after the interpretation of pre-Qin ideologists, becomes the remonstrating with the Emperor ideology. 政治、历史文化对文学的渗透可以说是无处不在的,言谏文化本身是一种政治文化,这种文化一经先秦思想家们的阐释,发展成为言谏思想。