McLaren are close to sealing a deal with Renault 麦克拉伦即将与雷诺达成一笔交易。
Ghosn also serves as chief executive of Renault SA, the French automaker and Nissan ally. 戈恩也是日产联盟公司&法国汽车制造商雷诺(RenaultSA)的首席执行官。
At that time French automaker Renault bought a stake and reorganized the company. 1999年,法国雷诺公司(Renault)买下了日产的部分股权并重组了日产。
Renault made a longer-lasting acquisition in 1999 when it acquired 36.8% of then-struggling Nissan. 1999年,雷诺做了一项长期并购投资,收购了当时境况不佳的日产汽车(Nissan)36.8%的股份。
Car maker Renault demonstrated an electric race car, that trick excite automobile fans worldwide. 汽车制造商雷诺公司(Renault)展示了一辆电子赛车,令世界汽车迷兴奋不已。
Renault: This is the end of the chase. 雷诺:追捕将到此结束。
Renault: Rick, that's the first time I've ever seen you so impressed. 雷诺:里克,这是我第一次看到你神情那么关注。
But Paris is slowly killing Peugeot and Renault with its protective kindness. 但法国政府正在以其善意的保护,缓慢地置标致和雷诺(Renault)于死地。
It came down to a choice between the Fiat and the renault. 这要在菲亚特和雷诺之间选择。
Daimler and Renault are also discussing whether to share engines. 戴姆勒与雷诺也在讨论是否共享发动机。
Renault and Daimler declined to comment. 雷诺和戴姆勒拒绝置评。
It is also contemplating a tie-up with Renault and Nissan. 公司还期望与雷诺-日产结为盟友。
The toyota's is80 miles per hour and the renault's is82 miles per hour. 丰田每小时是80英里,而雷诺每小时82英里。
Neither Renault nor McLaren were able to match the honda's pace. 不管是雷诺还是迈凯轮,他们的速度都无法与本田相比。
Schumacher had found speed that Renault did not expect him to find. 舒马赫开出了雷诺预想不到的速度。
The lubricant specialist Castrol is the new technical sponsor of the Williams Renault Formula One team. 润滑油专业制造商嘉实多将是威廉姆斯·雷诺特一级方程式车队的新技术赞助商。
It has nothing to do with Renault energy or the labor dispute at all. 和雷诺能源或者劳资纠纷根本没关系。
In Monza, Renault have been running a new front wing. 在蒙扎,雷诺使用了一套新的基于之前版本而改进前翼总成。
He said he was simply not able to challenge Renault and ferrari. 他表示自己就是无法挑战雷诺和法拉利。
Personal stance: Keen cyclist but also drives a Renault Clio. 个人立场:热衷于骑自行车,但也开雷诺Clio(RenaultClio)汽车。
In2002, he moved up to racing cars, winning the English Formula Renault Championship the following year. 2002年,他开始参加赛车比赛并于次年驾驶雷诺赛车获得了英国锦标赛冠军。
He stressed that Renault and Nissan don't plan to convert their entire fleets to all-electric power. 他强调,雷诺和日产没有完全转产全电动轿车的计划。
I would be worse if I were at Renault, or Honda or any other team. 如果我还在雷诺或本田或其他车队,情况可能会更糟。
I put my foot down and the Renault Laguna accelerates effortlessly. 我把脚踩了下去,雷诺拉古那(RenaultLaguna)便毫不费劲地加速了。
But behind the scenes, ferrari's technical brains were already plotting to snatch the lead from renault. 但是在幕后,法拉利的技术精英们正在策划如何从雷诺手中攫取领先的位置。
Q: Can you envisage fighting with Renault and Ferrari? 问:你会正视和雷诺以及法拉利之间的竞争吗?
This was a truly horrible year for Renault. 对于雷诺而言,这真的是可怕的一年。
The Spaniard also denied Renault were sandbagging. 同时西班牙人否认了雷诺在负重奔跑。
Daimler and Renault said in December that they were discussing possible partnership on small and compact vehicles. 戴姆勒和雷诺在去年12月表示,双方正围绕小型车和紧凑型轿车领域可能的合作进行谈判。
The company assembles vehicles for Renault and Toyota. 这个公司为雷诺和丰田公司组装汽车!