And more and more did the sympathies of the Chinese with modern education turn to the rural population and against the rentier class. 接受现代教育的中国人,越来越同情农民而反对收取地租的阶层。
A new rentier class is born and the economic problem, rather than be resolved, continues. 一个新的食利阶层诞生了,而上述经济问题仍然没有得到解决。
A poor American feels guilty at being poor, but less guilty than an American rentier who has inherited wealth but is doing nothing to increase it; 一个贫穷的美国人会因为穷而感到惭愧,但他的羞愧之情还不及一个继承了一笔财富却没办法使其增值的美国人;
I would prefer being a rich wage slave to being a poor rentier. 我宁愿当个富有的工资奴隶,也不愿做贫穷的食利者。