If you are on a package holiday, your travel company's rep should act on your behalf. 如果你是参加包价旅游,你的旅行社代表将代为行事。
I'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company. 我一直在一家摄影公司做销售代表。
Contact the health and safety rep at your union. 与你所在工会的健康安全代表联系。
A play is tested in rep before ever hitting a West End stage. 一部戏在登陆伦敦西区舞台前会以常备剧目试演。
Now a user can initiate contact with a customer service rep by entering their number and clicking Call Me. 现在,用户可以通过输入客户服务代表的电话号码并单击CallMe按钮来启动与该客户服务代表的联系。
The count value is put into% ecx as it is needed by rep prefix. 因为rep前缀需要count值,所以将它放入%ecx中。
TGS_REP is the reply of the TGS to the previous request. TGSREP是TGS对前面的请求的回复。
Co-workers in team meetings shared recordings of their calls, so the rep could hear himself in the background. 同事们在团队会议上播出了他们的电话录音,如此一来那位销售代表便可以在背景声中听到自己的声音。
FAX REP: So that's fine. 传真机代表:这样就没问题了。
FAX REP: I'll need to speak to my boss. 传真机代表:我要跟老板说。
This might be the requestor's boss, sales rep, etc. 可能是请求人的老板,推销员,等。
When the customer service rep asked me why, I burst into tears. 当客户服务代表问我为什么,我大哭起来。
FAX REP: Okay, I'll see what I can do. 传真机代表:好的,我会看看我能做些什么。
You should continue to stack the weights until you can only lift one rep of the last weight. 您应该继续堆叠的重量,直到你只能代表一个升降机在过去的重量。
FAX REP: I'm afraid that's just not possible. 传真机代表:恐怕,这是不可能的。
I also became a student rep and had to speak in public in front of the school. 我也成为了学生代表发言,并在公众前的学校。
If you're friends with one particular rep, then you can go as friends. 如果你与某个特定的医药代表是朋友,那么你可以以朋友的身份参加。
China Mobile stands out as a rep of the new China. 中国移动的入选代表了新中国的形象。
Rep: How can I style my hair like you? 记者:我怎么弄才能和你的头发一样?
He quit his job as a pharmaceutical sales rep to launch his jet-pack company. 他辞去了原先药品销售代表的工作来创办了一架喷气飞行器公司。
Business Processes: Master Data Rep. 业务处理:主数据Rep。
Sales Rep: I'll be happy to give you a call back. 销售:我会很愉快的再个你打个电话。
I worked in a foreign rep office for one year. 我是在外商代理处工作了一年。
The first sales rep successfully synchronizes the update to the central database. 第一个销售代表成功同步更新了中心数据库。
Where can I have this rep or can I purchase a new cover. 我可以在哪里有这个代表或我可以购买一个新的封面。
Suddenly, I was part of the firm with the best rep in london. 突然间,我成了伦敦西汉姆最坚实的支持者。
One senior sales rep had cancer and her doctor told her she could die from it. 我们有位高级销售代表患了癌症,她的医生告诉她将不久于人世。
Now we even have an international rep who I met while at one of the festivals I went to in Europe. 现在,我们甚至有一个国际代表谁我见到了,而其中的节日,我去了在欧洲。
The Microsoft tech rep looked at his rifle and then at the target again. 这位技术代理人看看他的步枪,然后又看了看靶子;