By delivering aid and repatriating refugees and displaced persons 提供了援助、促成难民和流离失所者回归
Meanwhile, German companies, one of the biggest sources of foreign direct investment in Russia, have started repatriating some of the profits accumulated in their Russian subsidiaries. 与此同时,作为俄罗斯外商直接投资(FDI)的最大来源之一,德国企业开始将俄罗斯子公司积累的一部分利润汇回本国。
The international community commonly recognizes that voluntarily repatriating refugees to their original countries is the best approach to permanently resolving refugee problems. 国际社会公认,难民自愿遣返到原籍国是永久解决难民问题的最佳方案。
But the prospect of repatriating real powers from Brussels may prove fanciful. 但是从布鲁塞尔收回实权可能最终只是个空想。
Moreover, forcing the eurozone to pursue its own treaty has put his own goal of repatriating powers beyond reach. 并且,迫使欧元区寻求达成自己的条约,也令卡梅伦收回权力的目标变得遥不可及。
US multinational companies are stepping up efforts to deploy their overseas earnings in cross-border mergers and acquisitions as they seek to avoid the tax hit from repatriating their so-called trapped cash. 美国跨国公司正加大努力将海外收益用于跨境并购,以求避免将所谓的困陷资金汇回国内所要面临的税务打击。
There are signs in recent quarterly Federal Reserve data that US investors are repatriating assets from overseas. 美联储(federalreserve)最近公布的季度数据显示,美国投资者正将资产从海外转回国内。
He pointed out last week the curious case of Dell, which has relented in repatriating foreign cash after years of resistance. 上周他指出发生在戴尔公司(dell)的奇怪之处:戴尔数年来一直不愿把国外的现金转移回国,突然之间态度却缓和了。
Apple holds about two-thirds of its cash overseas and repatriating it would likely incur a steep tax bill, posing a quandary familiar to many US-based technology companies. 苹果所持有现金的约三分之二位于海外,如果拿回国内,将可能招致极高的税单,这是许多美国科技公司面临的窘境。
In some areas, repatriating powers will not be a problem. 在有些领域,重返权利并不成问题。
US investors doubled the share of overseas assets in their portfolios earlier in the decade, but are now repatriating funds, helping the dollar rally sharply. 本10年早些时候,美国投资者将其海外投资在投资组合中的比重提高了一倍,但如今他们正撤回资金,这推动美元大幅升值。
The Study of America 'Repatriating Free Blacks to the West-Africa ( 1817-1847) 美国向西非强制遣返自由黑人研究(1817-1847)
The shareholder loan was a particularly efficient means of repatriating cash out of China, since the ability to declare dividends is often constrained by China's traditionally strict accounting rules requiring the deprecation of buildings, which in turn suppresses accounting profits. 股东贷款是将现金汇出中国的一个极其高效率的方式,因为中国传统上严格的会计规定,通常会限制派息能力。中国的会计规定要求对建筑物折旧,这进而会影响企业的会计利润。
In previous decades, repatriating powers would have been regarded as heresy. 在之前的几十年,收回权力被视作异端。
It has just discouraged them from repatriating profits to Taiwan for the fear of not being able to use the funds for further expansion on the mainland. 它只是促使台企不愿将利润返回台湾,因为它们担心自己无法动用这些资金,在大陆进一步扩张。
Nor are large Chinese companies suddenly spending a lot more abroad and repatriating less profit: according to Jonathan anderson, chief Asia economist for ubs, their behaviour has not changed. 这也不是因为中国大型企业大量投资海外而缺乏回报根据瑞士银行的首席亚洲分析师约那坦。安德森的说法:他们的情况并没有什么变化。
It is also introducing taxes that aim to discourage companies from borrowing dollars abroad at low interest rates and then repatriating the proceeds to Brazil, a trend that is strengthening the real. 此外政府还开征了相关税收,以阻止企业在海外以低息借入美元,而后把资本收益汇回巴西,因为这种趋势正在推动雷亚尔走强。
There was also talk of repatriating some Chinese money that had been tied up in American dollar assets, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the troubled mortgage agencies; 近期也有说法称:中国将撤回部分被套的美元资产,这包括在麻烦缠身的房丽美和房贷美两家抵押公司的投资;
Americas publishing policies on the problem of repatriating volunteer prisoners of war went through a complex process. 美国在中国人民志愿军战俘遣返问题上的政策出台经历了一个复杂的过程。
For a company that may take the form of setting up factories in Thailand, for example, and not repatriating the profits. 以在泰国建立工厂的公司为例,它不会将利润转回日本国内。
Korean companies are shipping workers home, cutting off school fees and repatriating wives and children without their menfolk to cut costs. 韩国企业正遣返员工,削减学费,遣送员工家属回国,以削减成本。
For a start, the blind rush of Japanese housewives repatriating their savings and local currency investors scrambling to make margin calls has calmed. 首先,日本主妇将储蓄汇回国内、本币投资者争相追加保证金的盲目热潮已经平息。
Liberia is the oldest republic of the black in Africa, which was built by the USA repatriating free blacks to the West Africa in the early 1800s. This paper studies the repatriation by the American Colonization Society from 1817-1847. 利比里亚是非洲历史上最为古老的一个黑人共和国,是由美国通过遣返自由黑人在19世纪初逐步建立的。本文对1817-1847年美国殖民协会遣返自由黑人到西非进行了研究。