Their flow characteristics permit accurate and repeatable flow control. 截止阀的流体特性允许精确和重复的流体控制。
This gives the team the support and the flexibility they need to accomplish repeatable results. 这给了团队完成可重复的结果所需的支持和灵活性。
This is a fast and repeatable process. 这是一个快速、可重复的过程。
Also, using wildcards in conjunction with optional or repeatable elements can cause ambiguities and non-deterministic conditions. 另外,联合使用通配符和可选或可重复的元素可能会导致歧义和无法判断的情况。
The true goal is consistent and repeatable results. 真正的目标是一致的和可重复的结果。
The role-based security choices I make in RPM will also be repeatable. 我在RPM中建立的基于角色的安全选择权将可以被重复。
Another way to use conditions is to apply a filter to a list of repeatable elements. 使用条件的另一种方法就是向可重复元素列表应用一个过滤。
This leads to poor predictability, and the process is not repeatable and reactive. 这导致了不可预测性,且过程是不可重复和被动的。
These two features helped the test team develop and document repeatable test results, meeting the high-visibility challenge. 这两个特性帮助测试团队开发和文档化可重复的测试结果,从而满足“高可见性”的挑战。
This article provided a template that can be used to capture content and process extensions in a consistent and repeatable manner. 本文提供了一个模板,它能够以一种兼容的和可重复的方式被用于捕获内容和过程扩展。
Ant: Download Ant and start building software in a predictable and repeatable manner. Ant:下载Ant并开始以可预见和可重复的方式构建软件。
Automated deployments reap the benefits of a reliable, repeatable process: improved accuracy, speed, and control. 自动化部署可以受益于可靠且可重复的流程:提高准确性、速度和控制能力。
The tool also generates audit trackable, repeatable, and scalable QA test results. 该工具还生成审计可追踪、可重复,且可伸缩的QA测试结果。
Business processes have starting points and ending points, and they are repeatable. 业务流程有起点和终点,而且它们都是可重复的。
After each more complicated benchmark, run a check for consistent, repeatable, accurate results before continuing. 在完成每个更复杂的基准测试阶段之后,检查结果是否是一致的、可重复的、精确的,之后才能执行下一个测试。
This overhead discourages test teams from maintaining proper documentation to ensure a repeatable and consistent test effort. 从维护适当的文档到确保可重复的且一致的测试工作,该开销阻碍了测试团队。
Setting repeatable procedures and identifying metrics and exit criteria are tools to accomplish that goal. 设置可重复的规程,以及确定量度和退出标准是实现该目标的工具。
This gives you a framework for consistently finding and fixing code smells in a repeatable manner. 这为您提供了一个以可重复的方式一致地查找和修复代码味道的框架。
RUP iteration is a classic example of repeatable activity. RUP迭代是可重复活动的一个经典的例子。
Repeatability. I'll be constructing a repeatable process, with templates. 我将会建立一个拥有模版的可重复的流程。
Repeatable: Basic processes are defined and repeated consistently by an individual project team on similar applications. 可重复:个体项目团队在类似的应用程序上定义了基本流程,并一致地进行重复。
This ensures repeatable, compliant deployments from the test community. 这确保测试社区进行可重复的、合规的部署。
I was responsible for several projects where I directed development teams and implemented repeatable processes. 我曾经负责过几个项目,在这些项目里我带领研发团队,找出了重复性高的流程。
Development – Debugging and performance monitoring scenarios can be easily setup in a repeatable fashion. 开发&调试和性能监控的用例能够以可重复的方式方便的搭建起来。
Proceed in a proper, consistent, and repeatable manner. 按照正确、一致和可重复的方式前进。
We pride ourselves on our transparent, disciplined and repeatable investment process. 我们对我们透明、有纪律和可重复的投资过程深感自豪。
They are not repeatable scientific tests. 它们与重复的科学试验不同。
If you are carrying out Coast down testing, then this is key to achieving very repeatable and accurate results. 如果你只是进行了测试海岸,然后这是关键,从而实现了非常重复性和准确的结果。
This is an important issue, but using repeatable read isn't the only way to resolve it. 这是一个非常重要的问题,但是使用可重复读取并不是解决问题的唯一途径。
Repeatable Experiments and Sample Spaces; 反复性的实验和样本空间;