Then they need to make hard decisions and perhaps replan a portion of the project. 这时候他们不得不做出很艰难的决定,可能还需要重新规划整个项目的一部分。
And then when the wall hits, not only will you have to shut down the growth, you have to replan the entire business model and you may realize you have too much cost. 可当公司碰壁时,你不光是要停止增长,还要重新策划整个商业模式,可能会发现成本太高。
Terminate the application, and replan it so that it modifies fewer rows per transaction. 终止该应用并重新计划它,以便每个事务修改较少的行。
The target for unmanned aircraft vehicle ( UAV) trajectory programming is to enable UAV to plan and replan complex tasks, of which the rapid and effective replan capability is more important. 无人机航路规划的目的是无人机具有对复杂任务进行快速规划或重规划的能力,其中快速而有效的重规划尤其重要。
In order to improve economic benefit and avoid environmental pollution, developed countries replan industry development and advance a new way to develop circular economy based on the conception of ecological economy. 发达国家为提高综合经济效益、避免环境污染,以生态经济理念为基础,重新规划产业发展,提出一种新型的循环经济发展思路。
The development of west region is important strategy to develop west, which will replan the economic structure of region and reduce the distance of region. 西部大开发,是国家调整区域经济结构,缩小地区间差距的重大发展战略。