Solid and tubular one-dimensional ( 1D) submicrometer scaled structures were prepared from naphthalene-1,4-dicarbonitrile ( DCN) with a reprecipitation method. 用再沉淀法制备了1,4-二氰基萘(DCN)一维亚微米结构。通过改变制备条件分别得到了DCN的线状及管状一维结构。
The mechanism of oxygen isotope exchange between alkali feldspar and fluid is mainly dissolution reprecipitation. 碱性长石流体的氧同位素交换机制主要是溶解再沉淀。
And the dimension of the matter removal, migration and reprecipitation in the studied system is evaluated. 评估了所研究体系中物质的带出、迁移和再沉淀的规模。
The mechanisms of alkali feldspar fluid interaction include volume diffusion, pipe diffusion, and dissolution reprecipitation. 流体长石相互作用机制包括:体积扩散、管道扩散、溶解再沉淀。
A series of TPA-PPV nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 20 to ( 100 nm) was prepared by reprecipitation method. 介绍了用再沉淀的方法制备粒子尺寸为20~100nm的TPA-PPV纳米粒子。
On the one hand, the flow of the meteoric water in the multiporous media leads to the infiltration and reprecipitation of the detrital mineral and diagenetic mineral; 一方面,大气水在多孔介质中的流动导致碎屑矿物和成岩矿物的淋滤和再沉淀;
The materials were densified based on liquid phase sintering mechanism, in which YAG was formed in situ by the reaction of Al 2O 3 and Y 2O 3.The relatively large grains showed that the grain grew through solution reprecipitation. 实验结果表明,Al2O3、Y2O3原位形成了YAG,材料以液相烧结机制致密化,并通过溶解和再析出机制,促进晶体生长。
Advances in physically and chemically recycling method for PET bottles were reviewed. Chemically recycling method includes depolymerization and chain extension, etc. Physically recycling approach involves dissolution/ reprecipitation and melt extrusion, etc. 简述了PET瓶的解聚、扩链等化学回收方法以及简单回收、溶解/再沉淀法和熔融挤出法等物理回收方法的最新技术进展。
Dissolution, coarsening and reprecipitation of second-phase particle in Ti MICROALLOYED STEEL during welding thermal cycle Ti微合金钢第二相粒子在焊接热循环过程中的溶解、粗化及再析出
The influences of reprecipitation conditions on the preparation of nanoparticles were analyzed on the basis of this model. 以此模型为基础,分析了多种实验条件对制备的可能影响。
The results indicate that the rates of polymorphic transformation from aragonite to calcite and from vaterite to calcite are very fast, and that their mineralogical mechanisms of polymorphic transformation are dissolution reprecipitation. 结果显示:在流体参与的情况下,文石→方解石和六方方解石→方解石的同质多象转变速率很快,并且其转变的矿物学机理为溶解/再沉淀。
The size of PI microparticles prepared by reprecipitation ranges from tens of nanometers to hundreds of nanometers. 通过再沉淀法制备的聚合物微球的粒径分布在几十到几百纳米之间。
In chapter 4, by keeping in mind the red emission of the above mentioned AIE active compounds and significance of 1_D self assembly we grow 1_D nano/ microwires by reprecipitation and evaporation approaches. 在第四章中,考虑到上述红色发射化合物的AIE活性和显著的一维自组装特性,我们通过再沉淀以及挥发法生长了一维纳/微米线。