In the western world it is not customary to smile at the reprimands of others, as it is in Japan. 而今天则不能接受了。在西方社会,人们不习惯于当别人责骂时,还去微笑,但在日本却可以。
Q: I've heard there is a list of proverbs/ mottos/ aphorisms/ reprimands on the wall of a Harvard Library. 问题:我听说哈佛大学的某个图书馆墙上有一列校训?
For the punishment provided by the previous paragraph, three reprimands are equal to one demerit, while three demerits have been given, the seafarer service book shall be withdrawn for three months. 前项处分,处申诫三次相当记过一次;记过三次者,收回船员服务手册三个月。
Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, reprimands and warnings, probation, suspension, demotion, reassignment, reduction in salary or immediate termination. 纪律处分包括但不限于申斥和警告处分、留岗查看、停职、降职、调岗、减薪或立即终止雇佣关系等。
As we see, Marx reprimands capitalists of High Churchmen, the Methodist Church or Quakers have the similar villainous characters to that merchant of Venice. 我们看到,马克思指责高教会派贵族,卫理公会派或教友会派资本家都有莎士比亚笔下那个威尼斯商人的邪恶品质。
Continual reprimands lead to a feeling of resentment. 不断的训斥会产生怨恨情绪。
Blunt reprimands solve no problem. 简单的斥责是不能解决问题的。
Listen as she reprimands him and gives him an ultimatum. 请听卡伦如何斥责他,给他下最后通牒。
So they oppose initiatives for more intrusive EU surveillance that could lead to reprimands for countries that fail to curb surpluses. 因此他们反对提高欧盟监管力度的动议,这些动议可能会让未能削减盈余的国家受到申斥。
I felt that not a day passed without his reprimands. 但是我总觉得天天在被他训斥。
While plenty of managers are capable of angry reprimands, Ferguson has a knack of knowing who needs one and when. 很多经理都是火爆脾气,弗格森则是知道谁在何时需要被敲打一下。
To minimize possible negative e ects of reprimands, managers need to understand and apply "punishment skills". 因此,餐饮管理者需要了解“惩罚”的技巧,将可能发生的负面效果降到最低。
New Corporation Law puts its emphasis on the punishment and administrative reprimands when a Director breaches his duties to the company, as in many cases used in connection with civil law and property law, its effectiveness is limited. 新《公司法》主要侧重于对董事违反信义义务的刑法和行政法制裁,在实际案例中也多与民法、物权法并用,功能非常局限。