He then proceeded to play for more than two hours, reprising every one of his hits. 他又接着演奏了两个多小时,将他的每一首知名作品都演奏了一遍。
Robert Downey Jr. has signed on for two more Avengers films, reprising his role as billionaire Tony Stark/ Iron Man. 小罗伯特唐尼已经签下两部《复仇者联盟》,继续出演亿万富翁托尼斯塔克/钢铁侠。
Neeson shows no interest in reprising the role of Mills for a Taken 4, however, so Whitaker may just be jumping ahead of himself at this point. 连姆对于继续出演《飓风营救4》的米尔斯一角表示兴趣缺缺,不过也因如此,惠特克在这个时候就要抢先一步了。
Similarly, if a bank that has liabilities with a shorter reprising period than its assets writes a call option on a bond or a bond future, it is actually reducing its interest rate sensitivity. 同理,如果一家银行的负债再融资期限短于其资产期限,银行出售债券买入期权或者债券期货的买入期权,实际上减少了其利率的敏感度。
Reprising its defiant reaction, Samsung yesterday accused Apple of pursuing outright abuse of patent law. 三星昨日再度作出不服气的反应,指控苹果在公然滥用专利法。
The sight of Michael Douglas reprising his role in Wall Street in an FBI video aimed at discouraging insider trading is a symbolic difference. 在fbi的一段旨在劝阻内幕交易的视频里,迈克尔道格拉斯重新扮演起他在《华尔街》中的角色,此举具有重要的象征意义。
The script, loosely based on Jules Verne's "The Mysterious Island," sees Josh Hutcherson reprising his role from the2008" Center of the Earth "remake that starred Brendan Fraser. 这部续集取材自凡尔纳的一部小说《神秘岛》。2008年出演《地心游记》的童星乔什·哈彻森也将在新片中亮相。
The permanent risk includes reprising risk, yield curve risk, basis risk and optionality risk. On the basis, it points out that the interest rate risk which will be faced by commercial banks can be divided into temporary risk and permanent risk. 二是利率市场化后由银行内部利率风险管理机制引起的恒久性风险,主要包括重新定价风险、收益曲线风险、基准风险和期权性风险。
Based on the specific circumstances reality of Chinese commercial banks, applying comparative analysis to analyze the commercial banks that facing reprising risk, basis risk, yield curve risk and optional risk systematically. 以中国商业银行的具体情况为现实依据,采用比较分析法对我国商业银行面临的重新定价风险、基差风险、收益曲线风险、期权性风险进行系统分析。