Our goal was to hand developers the exact repro steps and system environment settings, as well as expose the behavior of frameworks and code they use, to drastically improve their diagnosability. 我们的目标是交给程序员准确的重现步骤、系统环境设置、以及公布他们使用的framework或者代码的行为,以彻底的提高程序的可诊断性。
However, advances in imaging technology, specifically computer-to-plate repro systems, have meant that in recent years the image quality it produces has increased exponentially. 然而,进步,成像技术,特别是电脑到板生殖系统,这就意味着,在最近几年的图像质量所产生的已成倍增加。
In the rare case when decent repro steps are available, you may be faced with bugs occurring in specific environments, and this leads to a whole new set of problems to solve. 在极少数有重现步骤的情况下,你也可能会面对Bug发生在特殊环境下的问题,而这又会导致一些需要解决的新问题。
[ Repro steps will help us diagnosing the problem] [再现步骤将帮助我们诊断此问题]