Mr McCain used to be a passionate believer in limited government and sound public finances; a man with some distaste for conservative Republicanism and its obsession with reproductive matters. 麦凯恩曾经是小政府和合理财政的积极信徒,不喜欢保守的共和主义,也不喜欢他们对堕胎这类问题的痴迷。但是现在,他宣称要为商业界和富人减税;
John McCain has always stood for limited, principled government, and has distanced himself throughout his career from the religious ideologues that have warped Republicanism. 麦凯恩一直以来都支持自律的有限政府,并且始终和扭曲共和主义的宗教意识形态人士保持一定距离。
History endowed the Republic of China with a dual task: to overthrow the monarchy and establish republicanism; 历史向中华民国提出了两重任务:推翻君主制度,建立共和制度;
To Build Multi-center Field of Social Governance& Based on a Theoretical Explanation of Republicanism 社会治理的多中心场域构建&基于共和主义的一项理论解释
All had local governments with elections open to most free men, with a growing devotion to the ancient rights of Englishmen and a sense of self-government stimulating support for republicanism. 所有已地方政府选举最自由开放的男人,越来越致力于古代英国人和权利的意识自治政府刺激支持共和制。
Therefore, classical republicanism doctrine has far-reaching and meaningful constitutionalism value. I hold that, in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of these States is perpetual. 由此可见,古典共和主义有着深远隽永的宪政价值。考虑到一般法律和宪法,我认为这些州所组成的联邦乃是永久性的。
A small army of conservative bigwigs have spent the past few months excoriating Mr Bush's version of Republicanism. 一个保守主义头面人物组成的小团体花了过去的几个月严厉指责布什版本的共和党政策。
He either advocated monarch or sang the praises of dualist theory system of government of republicanism, is progressive thought tallying with Italian reality. 他既鼓吹君主制又讴歌共和制的二元化政体理论,是符合意大利现实的进步思想。
Analysis of the Modern Revival of Republicanism: In the Light of Liberalism 解读共和主义的现代复兴:以自由主义为参照
It led to Republicanism. 它产生了共和主义。
After the French Revolution, although the hiccup several times, the republicanism of capitalist class was set up finally, the capitalist political modernization was realized. 法国大革命后,虽几经波折,资产阶级共和政体最终建立,资本主义政治现代化实现。
The Basic Ideas of Western Classic Republicanism 试论西方古典共和主义政治哲学的基本理念
They eventually loosened the strait-jacket policy of republicanism. 他们终于放宽了共和主义的严厉约束政策。
They were caught at Varennes and brought back to paris, and all France flamed up into a passion of patriotic republicanism. 他们在瓦兰被抓住,随后被带回巴黎,于是全法国人民爆发出爱国主义共和制的热情。
And let our Republicanism, so focused and so dedicated, not be made fuzzy and futile by unthinking and stupid labels. 让我们使我们的共和主义事业不要因被贴上盲目和愚钝的标签而徒劳无获。
After the war of China-Japan in 1894, republicanism was accepted and spread by the revolutionary. 甲午战争后,这种为立宪派所拒绝的共和主义,被孙中山为代表的革命派所接受并传播开来。
His republicanism is empirical and realistic. 其共和思想具有鲜明的经验性和现实性。
By persecuting Thais who give vent online, these moral guardians may be adding to the anger against Bangkok's elite and, perhaps, fanning the flames of republicanism. 这些道德卫士们,迫害在网上发泄不满的泰国人。他们的行动不但增加了平民对曼谷政治精英的愤怒,还可能激发对共和制度的向往。
The presence of those inadequacies is the key reason for the fact that the republicanism tradition finally gave way to the liberalist interpretation of freedom in the modern times. 这种缺陷的存在是共和主义传统的自由观念终于在近代让位于自由主义对自由的理解的一个关键性的原因。
We can say that her republicanism political view is based on civic culture of positive participation. 可以说,她的共和主义政治图景是建立在积极参与这一公民文化基础上的。
There are at least four overlapping of classical republicanism and constitutionalism: the canonizing of rule of law; 古典共和与当代宪政至少在以下四个方面存在深层契合:法治原则的推崇;
From 1840, Chinese reformist formed the cognition about republicanism during their observation of western political systems. 近代以来,中国早期改良派在对西方国家政治形态的观察中,形成了对共和制度的初步认识。
Madison's republicanism has three prominent characteristics compared with the classic republicanism. 麦迪逊的共和主义思想与古典共和主义相比有三个显著的特点。
Republicanism is an ancient and great tradition in the history of political thought. 共和主义是人类政治思想史中一个古老的伟大传统。
The Neo-Roman theory and American constitutional republicanism are both crucially connected with Roman classical republicanism. 新罗马理论和美国宪法共和主义都与罗马古典共和主义有着关键性的内在关联。
The unitary republicanism was assumed by Marx and Engels according to the historical conditions of that time. 单一共和制是马克思恩格斯根据当时的历史条件提出的设想。
She took classical political republicanism system as paradigm to restore the classical political republicanism. 她以古典共和政治体系为范式,提出对古典共和政治形态的回归。
A unique cultural pattern was formed during the course of American history, which consists of biblical religion, republicanism and individualism. 美国在历史进程中形成了自己独特的文化模式,包括圣经宗教、共和主义和个人主义三大要素。
The Republicanism which as the ancient and the outstanding political tradition, since Ancient Greece have passed on. 共和主义作为古老而优秀的政治传统,自古希腊以来就得到传承。
Republicanism and constitutionalism in China are inextricably linked, on the building of our great constitutional reference. 共和主义与我国宪政有着千丝万缕的联系,对我国宪政建设有重大的借鉴意义。