If the book publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stocks of the book are exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract. 图书脱销后,图书出版者拒绝重印、再版的,著作权人有权终止合同。
Open the full durable model and republish to the content store with package versioning turned off. 打开整个持久模型并重新发布到内容库,并关闭包版本化功能。
Republish the post, this time marking the post as ready for publish ( using the editPost RPC). 重新发布这个帖子,这一次将帖子标为可发布(使用editPostRPC)。
Simply delete the source project from your workspace, and then request the server to republish. 仅仅从工作区中删除源代码项目,然后请求服务器重新发布。
If all of the updated specifications are successfully re-validated, the next step is described in the section titled Republish Durable Model. 如果成功地重新验证了所有的更新规范,则执行重新发布持久模型一节描述的步骤。
If you wish to switch the query mode for a package, you must republish the package with the desired setting. 如果您希望切换一个程序包的查询模式,必须使用要求的设置重新发布程序包。
Consider the following: An administrator or process engineer can republish the static method on a regular basis ( for example, monthly, weekly, daily). 请考虑以下事项:管理员或流程工程师可以定期重新发布静态方法(例如,每月、每周和每天)。
If the specifications that were previously valid are still valid the next step in the process is described in the section titled Republish Durable Model. 如果先前有效的规范仍然有效,则执行重新发布持久模型一节中所描述的步骤。
According to the special requirements of clients, we can republish for clients, which contains the article and advertisements of client's publication. We can also offer packing and direct send service. 根据客户的特定要求,为客户重新印刷,出版客户的文章或广告,并可提供包装和直邮服务。
Depending on your form design program, you may need to republish the template to the library on your SharePoint site from your program. 根据您的表单设计程序,可能需要使用该程序将模板重新发布到sharepoint网站上的库中。
To republish specific task assignments, select the assigned tasks you want. 若要重新发布特定工作分配,请选择所需的分配任务。
Special thanks to Digital Times Magazine and Editor-in-Chief for permission to republish this excerpt of the essay originally appearing in the41 of that magazine. 本文摘自数位周刊第41期,感谢数位时代双周刊总编辑王志仁赐稿。
And everyone should have the right to'mirror'articles; that is, to republish them verbatim with proper attribution. 而且每个人都要有权镜像文章,即附加合适的属性,一字不差地重新刊登。
Notices based on original information, as opposed to those that republish information from another country, have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk. 根据原始资料而不是取自其他国家资料再发布的通告在其连续编号前有一个星形前缀。
If you change the original report definition and republish it to the server, those changes affect the linked report. 如果更改原始报表定义并且将其重新发布到服务器,这些更改将影响链接报表。
Jim Killock, executive director of the Open Rights Group, an online civil liberties group, said: Claiming the right to republish photos in any context is plainly unreasonable. 在线公民自由团体&开放权利组织(OpenRightsGroup)执行主任吉姆基洛克(JimKillock)表示:在任何情况下声称有权重新发布照片,显然都是不合理的。
To republish all task assignments, no selection is needed. 若要重新发布所有工作分配,不需要进行选择。
In the tower at Princeton, about 10 years ago, one economist decided to republish the collected articles that he had written over the past couple of decades. 大约10年前,在普林斯顿大学(Princeton)这座象牙塔里,一位经济学家决定再版过去二十年写作的文集。
Learn how to make changes to a published form template, modify a working copy of the form template, and then republish the working copy to the original publish location. 了解如何更改已发布的表单模板、修改表单模板的工作副本,然后将工作副本重新发布到原始的发布位置。
You may need to save the revised template to your hard disk first, and then republish it. 您可能首先需要将修订后的模板保存到硬盘中,然后再重新发布该模板。
You may republish this article, but must keep the resource box and copyright at the end. 你可以转载这篇文章,但必须保持在资源和版权盒底。
You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way any material from this site including code and software. 您不能用任何方法修改、拷贝、再生产、翻版、上载、张贴、传送或销售此站点的任何材料,包括它的编码和软件。