The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects 昆虫很讨厌皮肤内维生素的气味。
The Committee said his actions were improper and repugnant. 委员会称他行为失当,令人反感。
Doing that with humans is ethically repugnant to many. 把这种实验用于人体,从伦理学的角度来说,很多人都对此感到反感。
The idea of accepting a bribe was repugnant to me. 我一想到受贿这种事就非常反感。
The idea of kissing him is to me wholly repugnant. 想到吻他令我厌恶极了。
To this kind of person, I am repugnant, why can't they be the personhood civilized? 对这类人,我非常反感,为什么做人不能文明些呢?
We found his suggestion absolutely repugnant. 我们觉得他的建议绝对不得人心。
The names may refer to real or imagined cultural and physical differences that emphasize the ridiculous or the repugnant. 这些称呼可能源于真实的或想象出来的文化上和体质上的差异,重在强调嘲讽或厌恶的意味。
The mere idea of stealing had been repugnant. 光是偷盗这种想法就很令人反感。
The whole idea is repugnant to me. 这个想法很让我厌恶。
The fact that ethnic cleansing is repugnant does not obviate the need to devise the most appropriate response. 种族清洗固然令人痛恨,但这一事实并不能排除去构想更为恰当的应对方法的必要性。
Verily all things move within your being in constant half embrace, the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the pursued and that which you would escape. 你身上所有的东西确实都处于正反对立之中,你所渴望的和恐惧的,厌恶的和珍视的,追求的和逃避的,莫不如此。
Because I am most repugnant am not filial piety the elder the human! 因为我最讨厌不孝敬长辈的人啦!
Some people eat foods that are repugnant to others. 有些人讨厌的食物有些人却爱吃。
Don't choose goods which can cause the misunderstanding, repugnant and frighten as the present. 不能选择会引起误解、反感和恐惧的物品作为礼品。
What was it that he claimed to find so absurd,? repugnant and ignorant in Aristotle? 他到底发现了什么是那么荒谬,那么不相容,那么愚蠢呢?
Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome. 一般而言,战争令人憎恶而和平受人欢迎。
The mainstream of liberalism found anything connected with the balance of power repugnant. 自由派的主流对任何与力量均衡有关的事情都感到厌恶。
It is repugnant that a child could be treated so unkindly. 孩子竟会受到如此苛刻的对待,真令人反感。
The most repugnant thing is to prostrate yourself to another human being and adore him or her. 最让人厌恶的事情就是拜倒在另一个人类的脚下并崇拜他或者她。
History is filled with examples of governments sanctioning acts, laws, or policies which are morally repugnant. 政府制定在道德上不得人心的条例、法律或者政策的例子在历史上比比皆是。
He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life. 他一生中还从没遇到过如此令人恶心的人。
Reads administration specialized me all not to have to a digital interest, even is the repugnant numeral, anew six is not willing with the numeral to have to do. 读行政管理专业的我都对数字一点兴趣都没有,甚至是讨厌数字,从新六就不愿和数字打交道的。
He saw that which it was repugnant to him to behold. 他见到了他所不愿见到的事。
I find your attiude towards these women repugnant and ridiculous. 我觉得你对这些女人的态度既令人反感又荒唐可笑。
I can understand the human, understands tolerantly, I am honest, I do not lie to anybody, and the very repugnant people lie. 我能理解人,懂得宽容,我是诚实的,我不说谎对任何人,并且非常讨厌人们说谎。
Any war would be morally repugnant. 任何战争道德上都是令人讨厌的。
I hope Human nature someday grows past the need for such repugnant displays of greed for power and riches. 我希望有一天人类自然增长过去,对权力的贪婪和财富需要厌烦。
It is repugnant to me even to speak to him. 我甚至连和他说话都感到讨厌。
This lets play the child to be more repugnant to him. 这让奏子对他更加反感。