Where the securities company, as the sole underwriter, purchases all the unsold stocks and therefore exceeds the five? percent possession limit, it is exempt from the six? month restriction when it resells the stocks. 但是,证券公司因包销购入售后剩余股票而持有百分之五以上股份的,卖出该股票时不受六个月时间限制。
For example, Matt resells rare shoes on eBay or Kelly participates in triathlons. 举个例子,Matt在eBay上卖二手的稀有鞋品,或者Kelly参加过铁人三项比赛。
A friend in the United States buys iTunes gift cards and sends Mr. Win the codes, which he resells at a small profit. 梭瑙温在美国的一名朋友负责购买iTunes礼品卡,然后把卡号发给他,他再把卡号转卖并从中获得小笔利润。
A mobile virtual network operator, or MVNO, typically buys access to network services from an existing operator at wholesale rates, then resells to its own retail subscribers. MVNO或移动虚拟网络运营商,通常按批发价从现有运营商购买网络服务使用权,之后将其转售给自己的零售用户。
Someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers. 买大量商品再卖给其它商人而不是消费者的人。
Resells: Cavernous hemangioma in soft tissue had obvious image features of two-dimensional ultrasonography. 结果:浅表海绵状血管瘤具有明显二维超声特点,表现为窦状扩张、管样、网样结构。
These resells show that the variation is 12% to total population variation. 表明品种间的变异程度占总群体变异的12%。