Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors. 普通百姓对总统号召人们邻里间亲密相处的动机心存疑虑。
They have no reservations about taking factory or manual jobs. 他们对在工厂做工人或者干体力活都没有意见。
During peak periods, reservations are difficult to make at some of the hotels. 在高峰时期,有些酒店很难预订到房间。
If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations 如果您想外出度周末,我们办事处将很乐意为您预订旅馆。
If some guests visit the company, the secretary must make hotel reservations and book airline tickets. 有人访问公司时,秘书要为他们预订旅馆和机票。
The carrier is allegedly not taking online reservations and only letting customers pre-order the device in-store. 德国电信称,此次预购活动不接受来自互联网的预约,只允许消费者到实体店内下单。
Have you confirmed your reservations? 你确认过你的预订了吗?
I also have my reservations, but EJB technology has bigger problems. 我也保留我的意见,但EJB技术确实有了大麻烦。
It also shows you how to create and view lab resources and work with lab resource reservations and requests. 它还向您展示了如何利用实验室资源保留和请求创建和查看实验室资源和工作。
I told him my objections and reservations about antidepressants. 我对他说明我对抗忧郁剂的反对与保留立场。
Do you have reservations tonight? 你们今晚预定了桌位吗?
Although I think your reservations are confirmed as you have the confirmed ticket, let me check it. 我想既然你有确定的机票,你预约的也一定都确定了,不过还是让我核对一下。
Where should I make reservations and get a ticket? 我该在哪儿订位和买票呢?
We have dinner reservations nearby. 我们在附近定了餐位。
We discussed our reservations about the contract quite openly. 我们相当公开地讨论了我们对这份合同的保留意见。
I accept without reservations! 我毫无保留地接受。
Did you already make reservations for us? 你已帮我们订位了吗?
Are the reservations in your name? 你用你的名字预约了吗?
Have you made the reservations for our holiday? 我们度假需要做的预订工作你都办好了吗?
She cancelled her ticket reservations. 她取消了订的票。
Well, we are taking reservations now. 哦,我们现在就接受预订了。
Cause there's a new restaurant. It's just opening tonight and I have reservations. 因为有一个新餐馆,今晚新开业,而且我已经预约了。
Plan a trip and make lodging and transportation reservations. 计划一次旅行和安排寄宿和运输预定。
No reservations may be made to this Convention. 对本公约不得作任何保留。
I have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 我对你的说法的真是性有些保留看法。
My family and I have reservations here until the16th. 我和家人已经在这里预订了房间,住到16日。
Do you have any reservations about the use of this microcomputer? 您预约使用这台微机了吗?
With reservations I will recommend this film. 我将有保留地推荐这部影片。
I agree although I still have some reservations. 我基本上同意,但我仍有所保留。
We have made reservations for three rooms at the hotel. 我们已在这个旅馆预订了三个房间。