In the thesis, a Linux based operating system is constructed, with a lot of open-source software technology existing integrated, and the problems of reduce, real-time performance, porting etc resoled. 本论文综合众多现有的开放源代码的软件技术,解决大小、实时性、可移植性等问题,构建基于Linux的操作系统。
Robot Compliant Control with Resoled Acceleration Method 利用分解加速度方法的机器人柔顺控制
It resoled the received packet, it can be judged if it should be passed to the switch or to be forwarded out by checking the packet. 转发模块可以对接收到的报文进行解析,通过查转发表可以判断报文是传给该交换机的,还是需要转发出去的。
The main function of Chinese lessons to train students 'language capability, Chinese lessons questions must be resoled by language way, as modern Chinese teaching do not give up traditional media effect. 语文课应以培养学生的言语能力为主,语文课的问题必须用语文手段来解决,在语文教学现代化的同时千万不要忘了传统媒体的功能。