Local authorities have been responsible for the running of schools in their areas 地方当局一直负责管理本地区的学校。
There is no gainsaying the fact that they have been responsible for a truly great building. 不容否认的事实是,他们一手建起了一座真正伟大的建筑。
His critics maintain that he's responsible for many of Algeria's ills. 他的批评者们坚持认为他应该为阿尔及利亚所面临的许多难题负责任。
The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province's governor 对这种不幸境况负有直接责任的人是该省的省长。
We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible 我们可以使用基因工程技术把相关基因分离出来。
They demanded that those responsible be brought to justice 他们要求将责任人缉拿归案。
Such a speech should never have been made, least of all by a so-called responsible politician. 这种话本来就不应该说,尤其是不应出自一个所谓负责任的政客之口。
If you are responsible for children, lighten the load by asking others to help. 如果你有抚养孩子的责任,可以请他人帮忙以减轻负担。
Being responsible for one's own health is one thing, but being responsible for another person's health is quite a different matter 对自己的健康负责是一回事,对他人的健康负责就完全是另一回事了。
We are all entirely responsible for our actions, and for our reactions. 我们都对自己的行为和反应负全责。
I feel partly responsible for the problems we're in. 我觉得应为我们遭遇的问题负部分责任。
He was personally responsible for all that the people had suffered under his rule 他个人要为他统治时人民所受的所有苦难负责。
Yesterday the head of government called for the prosecution of those responsible for the deaths. 昨天,政府首脑要求起诉那些该为这些人的死负责的人。
He still felt responsible for her death 他仍然觉得自己对她的死负有责任。
I want you to do everything you can to find out who's responsible. 我希望你能尽一切可能找出责任人。
The man responsible for finding the volunteers is Dr. Charles Weber. 负责寻找志愿者的人是查尔斯·韦伯博士。
I'm responsible to my board of directors 我对董事会负责。
The government will be responsible to the President alone. 政府只对总统一人负责。
He's a very responsible sort of person 他是个非常有责任心的人。
He feels that the media should be more responsible in what they report. 他觉得媒体应该对报道的内容更负责任些。
I work in a government office. It's a responsible position, I suppose, but not very exciting 我在政府机关工作。我想那是一个责任重大的职位,但并不是很有意思。
They have been demoted to less responsible jobs. 他们被降职去做不太重要的工作。
I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage. 我有时觉得背负这笔抵押贷款很有压力。
We would have thought he would have a more responsible attitude 我们本以为他会采取更负责的态度。
The sun's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning. 阳光中的紫外线是皮肤晒黑和灼伤的根源。
He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction. 他说,那些被指控与卖淫、赌博和吸毒有关的人一旦罪名成立就应该被驱逐出境。
Ben, I want whoever's responsible to come forward. 本,我希望不管是谁的责任,他都能够站出来。
An organization responsible for this cause has been set up, but still more in name than reality. 负责处理这事的机构是成立起来了,但仍名不副实。
I am responsible for the matter. None of other's business. 这件事由我负责,跟旁人不相干。
Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom. 由此产生的一切后果由你方负责。