Restarting the engine, we motored downriver. 我们重新启动马达,沿河而下。
He says North Korea has stopped dismantling its nuclear facilities and is, instead, restarting them. 他说,北韩已经停止拆除核设施,现在又将该设施重新启动。
Restarting the browser and trying again should fix this. 重启浏览器,重新尝试应该就能解决这个问题。
Both parameters can be set without restarting the database server. 设置这两个参数时无需重新启动数据库服务器。
After restarting the server, the throughput degradation still existed. 在重新启动服务器之后,这个吞吐量降低的问题仍然存在。
If the lock file is present, delete it before restarting the server. 如果锁文件存在,应该在重新启动服务器之前删除它。
You have the option of restarting the server from within this tab. 在这个选项卡中,可以选择重新启动服务器。
If in doubt, check the agent log files and you will see it stopping and restarting. 如果有疑问,请检查代理日志文件,您将看到它正在停止并重新启动。
Regardless of method, the level setting will take effect immediately without restarting the server. 不管哪种方法,级别设置均可立即生效,无需重启服务器。
After installing and restarting Firefox, click the Tools menu and then click Modify Headers. 安装和重新启动Firefox之后,点击Tools菜单,然后点击ModifyHeaders。
Another task commonly done with Perl is monitoring and restarting processes. 用Perl来处理的另一个常见任务是监控和重新启动进程。
Updating the application on the node by synchronizing the configuration and restarting the stopped cluster members on that node. 通过同步配置和重新启动该节点上停止的集群成员来更新该节点上的应用程序。
Restarting the server at this point is recommended because of the newly created resources on the server. 建议在此时重新启动服务器,因为服务器上有新创建的资源。
When the server restarts, Domino checks to see if it is restarting after a crash. 当服务器重启时,Domino检查它是否是崩溃后重启。
Restarting a package can save time for long-running packages. 重新启动包可为长时间运行的包节省时间。
The budget office says progress in restarting Gulf Coast oil operations and pipelines make larger economic effects less likely. 预算局指出,重新启动墨西哥湾海岸石油操作平台和管道的进程使得更大的经济效益变得不太可能。
Not enough memory. Try closing other applications or restarting the computer. 内存不足。关闭其他应用程序或重新启动计算机。
To resolve this error, first try restarting the unified messaging server. 若要更正此错误,先尝试重新启动统一消息服务器。
Can I add nodes to a cluster without restarting it? 能否不用重启就能在集群中加入一个节点?
After restarting Zope, you should be able to enjoy the changes. 在重启Zope之后,你应该可以享受变化了。
Provides options for turning off or restarting your computer, or for activating Sleep or Hibernate modes. 提供关闭或重启动您的计算机,或者从睡眠或休眠状态激活的选项。
You reinstall the same service without first restarting the computer. 不先重新启动计算机的情况下,您重新安装相同的服务。
Apply the new display settings without restarting? 不重新启动就应用新的显示设置?
Explains how to edit your code in break mode, and then continue without stopping and restarting execution. 介绍如何在“中断”模式下编辑代码,然后在不停止并重新启动执行的情况下继续运行。
You can also restart an individual project, which is much faster than restarting the entire server. 您也可以重启个别项目,这比重新启动整个项目要快得多。
Show configure screen when restarting emulation: Same as above, but with restarting. (重新开始模拟时显示设置屏幕):和上面一样,不过多加了一个重启。
Changes made to the configuration will only take effect after restarting the computer. 重新启动计算机后,对配置所作的更改才能生效。
A throw-in is a method of restarting play in a game of Association football. 界外球是足球比赛中重新开始比赛的一种方式。
The provider should activate the function to prevent restarting. 提供商应激活该功能以阻止重新起动。