It's so restful to meander along Irish country roads. 沿着爱尔兰的乡间小路漫步是多么惬意。
Adjust the lighting so it is soft and restful 调节灯光使其看上去既柔和又能给人带来舒缓感。
After a joyous and restful three days, I left this beautiful city. 度过了愉快轻松的3天后,我离开了这个美丽的城市。
This implementation or an equivalent servlet implementation is synonymous with a verb-based implementation rather than the RESTful characteristics. 这种实现或等价的servlet实现与基于动词的实现同义,而不同与RESTful特性。
Web 2.0 applications use RESTful services to get their information. Web2.0应用程序使用RESTful服务来获得其信息。
We chose to expose our widgets in the resources directory to facilitate RESTful access to them. 我们选择在资源目录中显示我们的小部件,以促进对它们的RESTful访问。
The Wink Client module is a Java-based framework that provides functionality for communicating with RESTful web services. WinkClient模块是一个基于Java的框架,提供了与RESTfulWeb服务进行通信的功能。
Twitter's RESTful interface and clear API documentation provide excellent methods for you to access social-networking attributes. Twitter的REST式接口和清晰的API文档为访问社会网络属性提供很好的方法。
RESTful Web services and dynamic Web applications are similar in many ways. RESTfulWeb服务和动态Web应用程序在许多方面都是类似的。
I used an RPC proxy to integrate with RESTful Web services. 我使用一个RPC代理与RESTfulWeb服务集成。
This collaboration between client application and service is essential to being stateless in a RESTful Web service. 客户端应用程序与服务之间的这种协作对于基于REST的Web服务中的无状态性极为重要。
Listing 3 defines the method to be invoked for your RESTful service. 清单3中定义了您的RESTful服务调用的方法。
It identifies the resource in the RESTful Web service server. 它标识RESTfulWeb服务服务器中的资源。
It focuses on using Java annotations and plain old Java objects ( POJOs) for RESTful service implementations. 它主要关注使用Java注释和普通旧式Java对象(POJO)实现RESTful服务。
There are several strategies to integrate GWT with RESTful Web services. 有几种集成GWT和RESTfulWeb服务的策略。
The following listing shows how to invoke the RESTful service you have exposed. 下面的清单显示了如何调用您公开的REST式服务。
These server endpoints can be generic services, maybe even a RESTful one at that. 这些服务器端点可以是泛型服务,甚至可以是REST式的端点。
Developers can easily create rich interfaces by using Ajax and RESTful Web services together. 开发人员可以轻松使用Ajax和RESTfulWeb服务一起创建丰富的界面。
Hopefully you discovered that RESTful Web services can be easy to understand and implement. 希望您能够发现,可以很容易地理解和实现基于REST的Web服务。
You also learned how to test web service and RESTful interfaces. 您还学习了如何测试Web服务和REST界面。
Part 1 will introduce two approaches to build RESTful outbound services for BAPI and ALE interfaces of SAP. 第1部分介绍为SAP的BAPI和ALE接口构建RESTful出站服务的两种方法。
Even the GlassFish web-based admin console is using these RESTful APIs. 甚至连GlassFish基于Web的管理控制台也使用了这些RESTfulAPI。
In RESTful applications, servers provide this information at runtime in the form of links. 在RESTful应用中,服务器在运行时以链接形式提供这个信息。
CRUD through HTTP is a good step forward to using resources and becoming RESTful. 通过HTTP的CRUD是通向使用资源和成为RESTful的重要一步。
The role of web servies in implementing a SOA architecture using SOAP based and RESTful architecture styles is discussed. Web服务在实现SOA架构(使用以SOAP为基础)和RESTful架构风格中的作用也在本书中进行了讨论。
Mule adds a number of options for helping you build and consume RESTful services. Mule增加了大量选项来帮助你创建和消费RESTful服务。
MindTouch offers a programming library and standalone server for developing and publishing RESTful web services. MindTouch提供了一个编程库和单机运行的服务器,用于开发和发布RESTfulWebService。
Astoria uses RESTful services and offers an URI as service access point. Astoria使用了RESTful服务,并提供了一个URI作为服务访问点。
RESTEasy and JAX-RS exist to help you write RESTful web services and clients. RESTEasy和JAX-RS存在有助于你编写RESTful的web服务和客户端。
Tired with all these, for restful death I cry. 厌倦所有,我对安息呐喊。