They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling 他们见利忘义地试图以减少屠杀海豚数量作为交换条件,重启商业捕鲸。
The press saw the event as a straw in the wind that augured the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 报界把这件事看作是两国之间即将恢复邦交的预兆。
We are hoping for an early resumption of peace talks. 我们企盼着早日恢复和谈。
In Washington, US President George W.Bush welcomed the planned resumption of the Six-Party Talks. 美国总统小布希在华盛顿表示他对即将重新开始的六方会谈感到高兴。
Tuesday's resumption of delivery to Europe is not contingent upon any gas contracts between Russia and Ukraine. 星期二恢复给欧洲供气的行动并不以俄罗斯和乌克兰之间达成任何天然气合同为前提。
A Japanese official said on Friday that the talks will focus on such issues as the resumption of stalled bilateral working group negotiations under the six-party framework. 一名日本官员周五都表示,会谈将集中在这些问题上,即在六方会谈的框架内恢复陷于停顿的双边工作组的谈判。
And the parties concerned also in principle hold a positive attitude towards early resumption of the six-party talks. 那么六方会谈的有关各方都对重启六方会谈的进程原则上持一个积极的态度。
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to ease tensions with Syria by calling for a resumption of peace talks. 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡试图通过重启和谈来缓解与叙利亚的紧张关系。
The period between the suspension and resumption of the LPAR lasts just a few seconds. LPAR暂停和恢复之间的时间只持续几秒。
Luckily, the vendor wisely put a mechanism in its software to affix a temporary resumption point to the batch where the interruption occurred. 幸运的是,聪明的供应商在它的软件中设定了一种机制,对这批中断的地方附加了临时恢复点。
This rests on a resumption of growth. 这取决于恢复增长。
The United States has already welcomed the offer but said it was not sufficient for a resumption of talks. 美国已经对这一建议表示欢迎,但声称这还不足以恢复六方会谈。
Framework agreement on the resumption of the negotiating process; 关于恢复谈判进程的框架协定;
The Palestinians have conditioned a resumption of negotiations on a halt to Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, but Israel has refused. 巴勒斯坦提出过恢复谈判的条件,也就是以色列停止在西岸和东耶路撒冷扩大定居点,但是遭到以色列拒绝。
Economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production. 这个国家的经济复兴必须从恢复农业生产开始。
The special equipment technical service teams will timely go to the area when needed during the production resumption. 特种设备服务队伍将视生产恢复的开展和企业的需要,及时派员进行支援。
Pertaining to a condition of equipment that permits complete resumption of stable operation within a short span of time. 用于修饰或说明允许在很短时间内使设备完全恢复稳定运行的设备状态。
Even the long-awaited resumption of IPOs in China has not poured cold water on the market's enthusiasm. 即便是人们期待已久的IPO的恢复,也没有给中国内地股民的热情泼冷水。
Resumption would create problems. 恢复试验会引起种种问题。
The main reason for this change is the resumption of growth. 这一变化的主要原因在于经济恢复增长。
Process of application program interruption and resumption on BREW platform Brew平台上应用程序中断和恢复的处理
It is time to try yet again for their resumption. 是时候再次尝试恢复和谈了。
He said Russia favors a resumption of the six-party negotiations aimed at resolving the nuclear dispute. 他声称,俄罗斯更倾向于恢复旨在解决核争端的六方会谈。
The Quartet called for a resumption of peace talks in a month, and a framework peace agreement on Palestinian statehood by the end of2012. 中东问题四方集团敦促以巴双方在一个月内恢复和谈,并且在2012年年底之前,就巴勒斯坦的国家地位达成一项框架和平协议。
The two parties opened a new way to a resumption of political talks. 两党开辟了重开政治谈判的新途径。
Putin said the resumption of flights was a response to security threats posed by other military powers. 普京说恢复战略轰炸机的巡逻是对某些军事大国威胁的回应。
China refuses to engage in a dialogue and I am hopeful that a trial at least would be a resumption of dialogue of a sort. 中国拒绝进行对话,而我希望,审判至少会是某种形式的恢复对话。
He also recognises that its resumption would be the most powerful anti-war measure available. 他也承认,恢复征兵将是人们可以采用的最有力的反战措施。
This is a zero sum game which risks only the resumption of currency wars. 这是一个零和游戏,只会再一次挑起货币战争。
The resumption of treaty-based arms control a priority of the Obama administration that Moscow welcomes can help. 重新推行基于条约的军备控制这是奥巴马政府受到莫斯科欢迎一项要务可能有所助益。