Chances are that the test will fail several times in the project life as the bug resurfaces. 在整个项目生存期中,当这个错误重新出现时,这个测试有可能会失败几次。
China still faces a grave and complex external environment in pursuing development. The global economic recovery remains weak, protectionism resurfaces from time to time, and the monetary policy of quantitative easing as pursued by some countries may cause negative impacts. 当前中国经济发展的外部环境依然严峻复杂,世界经济复苏步伐缓慢,保护主义时有抬头,一些国家量化宽松货币政策可能带来负面效应。
Then occasionally-sometimes unexpectedly-a world of tradition and spirituality resurfaces. 然而有时突然间,一个传统和精神的世界重新浮现。
It always resurfaces, though in its new guise modelling may be less reliant on historical data. As Goldman's chief financial officer observed: It makes you reassess how big the extreme moves can be. 但它总会再度出现,尽管改头换面后的金融模型对历史数据的依赖性可能更低。正如高盛首席执行官所评述的那样:它会使你重新评估极端波动的程度。