In the experimental group, patients were treated with lying knee-chest position after using the dropping retention-enema. 小剂量保留灌肠是目前临床上治疗慢性结肠炎简便有效的方法,在临床实际工作中被广泛应用。
Objective: To evaluate efficacy of cefoperazone and smectite in treating infantile acute dysentery by retention-enema. 目的:探讨头孢派酮与思密达保留灌肠治疗小儿急性菌痢的疗效及不良反应。
Effectiveness of Colon Irrigation in Combination with Herb Retention-enema in the Accessory Treatment of Hepatitis Gravis 结肠灌洗联合中药保留灌肠辅助治疗重型肝炎疗效观察
Clinical effects of compound norfloxacin retention-enema on 87 cases of chronic inflammatory colitis 复方诺氟沙星灌肠液保留灌肠治疗慢性溃疡性结肠炎87例疗效观察
Clinical Observation on Compound Rhubarb Decoction Retention-enema to Treat Uremia 复方大黄煎剂保留灌肠治疗尿毒症的临床观察
Objective To explore the effect of lying knee-chest position after using the dropping retention-enema in elder people who had chronic colitis for lasting the time of retention-enema. 目的探讨滴入法灌肠后膝胸卧位延长老年患者药物保留时间的护理效果。
Effect on Retention-enema Plus Ultrasonic Penetration to Treat Hyperplasia of Prostate 保留灌肠加超声透入治疗前列腺增生症的效果观察
The traditional retention-enema method was used in the control group, while the dropping retention-enema method was used in the experimental group. 对照组采用传统保留灌肠方法,实验组采用点滴式保留灌肠法,观察2组患者灌肠液保留时间、灌肠液是否外溢、临床疗效及灌肠过程中患者的满意度和护士接受程度。
A clinical research about using the dropping retention-enema 点滴式保留灌肠法的临床应用研究
A Summary on 40 Cases of Severe Hepatitis Treated by Retention-Enema with Rheum Officinale Decoction 大黄煎剂保留灌肠治疗重型肝炎40例总结
Conclusion Colon irrigation in combination with herb retention-enema can effectively reduce bilirubin and improve the clinical symptoms. 结论结肠灌洗联合中药保留灌肠可降低病人的黄疸程度,改善临床症状。
Study on Vinegar Retention-enema in Hepatic Encephalopathy Patients 肝性脑病病人食醋保留灌肠方法研究
Conclusion The dropping retention-enema method can improve the clinical effects, release the pains for patients and lasting the time of retention-enema. 结论点滴保留灌肠法可以提高灌肠效果,减轻患者灌肠中的不适,减少药液外溢,延长药物在肠内保留时间,提高治疗护理效果,具有较好的临床推广价值。
Conclusion Amikacin retention-enema is effective to infant acute diarrhea with mucous bloody stool and worthy of clinical expanding. 结论加用丁胺卡那霉素保留灌肠治疗大便呈粘液脓血的婴幼儿急性腹泻疗效确切,值得临床推广。
Observation on Acute Pelvic Inflammation ( 94 cases) Treated by Retention-Enema with Traditional Chinese Drugs 中西药合用保留灌肠治疗急性盆腔炎94例观察
Clinical Observation on Chinese Medicinal Herbal Retention-enema to Treat 66 Cases of Chronic Renal Failure 中药保留灌肠治疗慢性肾衰66例临床观察
Curative Effectiveness of Retention-enema with Traditional Chinese Medicine at Different Temperature in the Treatment of Damp-heat Accumulation Type Colitis 不同温度中药保留灌肠治疗湿热蕴结型结肠炎效果观察
Influence of FUDR Through Retention-enema on Cell Proliferation of Rectal Carcinoma FUDR保留灌肠对直肠癌细胞增殖能力的影响
Appraisement of therapeutic effects of amikacin retention-enema in the treatment of infant acute diarrhea 丁胺卡那霉素保留灌肠治疗婴幼儿急性腹泻疗效评价
Application of Dispensable Double-channel Balloon Catheter in Retention-enema for Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy 一次性双腔式气囊导管在肝性脑病病人保留灌肠中的应用
Objective: To discuss curative effect of folic acid retention-enema in treatment of infants and preschool children with rotavirus enteritis. 目的:探讨叶酸保留灌肠治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒性肠炎的疗效。
AIMS: To observe the clinical effects of herb retention-enema and acid-dialysis retention-enema on liver diseases and to make comparison for primary evaluation. 目的:观察中药保留灌肠与酸透析两种保留灌肠方法治疗各类肝病的临床疗效,并进行初步评价。
Nursing Research Progress on Retention-enema 保留灌肠的护理研究进展
Objective To study the effects of using the dropping retention-enema in the clinical practices. 目的探讨点滴式保留灌肠法在临床应用的护理效果。
For the pathogenesis of syndrome features, we used retention-enema colon dialysis treatment, the results show that this method in improving the clinical symptom score, lower serum endotoxin levels, reduce mortality and shorten the hospitalization time has a certain effect. 针对病机证候特点,我们采用结肠透析联合赤芍承气汤保留灌肠治疗,结果显示此方法在改善临床症状积分,降低血清内毒素水平,缩短住院时间,降低并发症发生率方面具有一定疗效。
The retention-enema may be a available method in child who were infected with RSV, which deserve to be further investigated. 3. 保留灌肠是治疗小儿RSV感染有效给药途径之一,值得进一步深入研究和推广。
The treatment group were treated with retention-enema of Rhubarb Jiedu Decoction additionally, once-daily for 12 weeks. 治疗组在此基础上加用大黄解毒汤结肠给药,每日1次。疗程为12周。
2, Retention-enema with chinese recipe, which was according to macro syndrome differentiation with microscopic appearance, could greatly improve the intestinal mucosa damage of ulcerative colitis of the intense damp due to deficiency of spleen or the inside damp-heat type. 宏观辨证结合电子结肠镜下肠粘膜表现进行中药保留灌肠对脾虚型及湿热型UC的肠黏膜病变有明显改善作用。