This article introduces the operation method of retinoscopy optometry and prescription of spectacles. 结合临床实践,介绍有关检影验光和眼镜处方的操作方法及有关要点。
For optometry, 7100 automatic optometry instrument was used first, and retinoscopy next. 黑夜又临,晨光再现,是为第三天。使用日本生产的7100型自动验光仪先作电脑验光,再作检影验光。
Clinical problems of retinoscopy optometry and prescription of spectacles 检影验光与眼镜处方决定的若干临床问题
Conclusion If the condition is not allowed for mydriasis retinoscopy, dynamic retinoscopy and subjective refraction can be used to screen vision among students group. 结论在无散瞳验光条件下,学生群体近视筛查可以考虑小瞳检影法和插片验光法相结合的方法。
In order to correct errors in the result of retinoscopy, knowledge on lens connection should be applied in the process of lens modification. 须把有关镜片联合的知识熟练应用于检影后的试镜过程,才能纠正检影结果的偏差。
Methods Thirty-eight patients with mixed astigmatism between 4 and 9 years of age ( 66 eyes) were examined annually over a 4-year period with cycloplegic retinoscopy after administering 1% atropine. 方法选择4~9岁混合性散光儿童38例66眼,每年予1%阿托品扩瞳检影验光1次,连续4年,记录屈光状态,分析其等效球镜、远视、近视屈光度及散光度的动态变化。
Clinical Observation of Atropine Sulfate Eye Gel Applied to Children in Cycloplegic Retinoscopy 硫酸阿托品眼用凝胶用于儿童散瞳检影的临床观察
Methods Before LASIK, 290 eyes of myopia were measured using corneal topography and retinoscopy via dilated pupil for their refractive state, and then relevant parameters were collected and analyzed. 方法采用角膜地形图对290只准备行LASIK手术的近视眼进行检查,同时采用散瞳检影法检查记录近视度数及散光并对两种方法所得数据进行比较分析。
Examination included far and near visual acuity test, eye refractive status ( based on retinoscopy, with 1% atropine cycloplegia), eye fundus, corneal curvature, eye axial length. 观察指标:远视力、近视力、屈光(用1%阿托品)、眼底、角膜曲率、眼轴。
Conclusion Retinoscopy was a kind of accurate, objective, simple and easy method. 结论视网膜检影法是对弱视进行早期筛查的一种准确客观、简便易行的方法。
After 4 weeks the refractive status and radii of corneal curvatures were measured by retinoscopy and keratometry, respectively, and eye diameter and weight were investigated, and morphology of cornea, sclera, retina were observed. 4周后,用视网膜检影观察屈光状态,角膜地形图观察角膜曲率,并测量眼球直径、重量;角膜、巩膜、视网膜作病理组织学检查。
Analysis of corneal topography and retinoscopy via dilated pupil for 290 eyes of myopia 290只近视眼角膜地形图检查与散瞳检影验光检查的结果分析
Before experiment at experimental point, refractive state and axial length were determined with retinoscopy and A-scan ultrasonography respectively. The expression of MMP-2 mRNA was detected by RT-PCR. 实验前及预定时间进行检影验光及超声眼轴长度测量,RT-PCR检测巩膜MMP-2mRNA表达水平。
Computerized Mathematical Model of Retinoscopy 视网膜检影计算机数学模型
Thus the requirements of the optimum illumination level were put forward in the examining the retinoscopy in dark room, the instrumental accmmodation in. 从而提出了视力检查中较佳照明水平的要求。
The introduction of retinoscopy with double-door illumination 介绍两扇门式映光检影法
Methods: The groups of 4 to 7 year old hyperopic children, 10 to 16 year old myopic teenagers and 3 to 12 year old children with mixed astigmatism were examined with keratometry and retinoscopy, part of which were followed up for more than 3 years. 方法:检查4~7岁和10~16岁两组对象的屈光情况,部分病例随访3年以上,睫状肌麻痹下验光,角膜曲率计测角膜散光。
Objective To study the application of the retinoscopy in the early screening for amblyopia. 目的探讨视网膜检影法在弱视早期筛查法中的应用。
· METHODS: A total of 76 young patients with hyperopia ( 143 eyes) were subjected to retinoscopy after tropicamide and atropine mydriasis. 方法用托吡卡胺与阿托品眼液对143眼青少年远视进行散瞳视网膜检影验光。
Results TA value in emmetropia displays a significantly higher than myopia, both clinical methods are favorable ways to measure TA in schoolchildren, but DOG target method seems to be more valid than near retinoscopy. 结果正视儿童的TA值显著大于近视儿童的TA值;两种方法都是测定儿童TA的有效方法,相关系数为0-72,但DOG视标法比近注视法更有效。
Methods: Retinoscopy was performed on 17 eyes of 17 patients with silicone oil injection in which the retina is in place. Pre-and postoperative refractive states were compared. 方法:对17例已行玻璃体切割硅油填充手术后视网膜基本复位的患者进行检影,对比患者术前术后不同的屈光状态并进行分析。
Result The rate of refractive error was 17.6%, the coincident rate of mydriasis retinoscopy was 93.4%. 结果屈光异常率为17.6%,散瞳检影符合率为93.4%。