The structure of the ommatidia was highly complex, and the ommatidia were made up of cornea, corneagenous cell, crystalline cone, crystalline cone cell, iris pigmental cell, retinular cell, and so on 16 days after spawning. 第16d,复眼内小眼结构已十分复杂,小眼由角膜、角膜细胞、晶锥、晶锥细胞、虹膜色素细胞、小网膜细胞等组成。
Identification of spectral peaks of r_ ( 1-6) and r_ ( 7, 8) retinular cells from ERG of the compound eye of housefly 从舍蝇复眼ERG光谱敏感性的测定对R(1-6)和R(7、8)网膜细胞产生的敏感峰的鉴别
The three pigmented cell types of the compound eye are the distal pigment cell, the reflecting pigment cell and the retinular cell which contains the proximal pigment. 复眼中有调节进入小网膜光量的远端色素、近端色素及反射色素。
The surrounding of the crystalline and the retinular pigment cells contained abundant pigment granules. 晶体周围及小网膜色素细胞内均含有丰富的色素颗粒。
Three-dimensional computer reconstruction of the retinular cells in the sex-specific structure of compound eye of Tabanus mandarinus 计算机三维重建华虻复眼性特异小网膜细胞结构
Many organelles of retinular cell, such as multivesicular bodies, vesicular lamellar bodies and lamellar bodies, concentrate in the distal region around the nucleus. 这些结构与已知的甲壳动物的光感受器相似。在小网膜细胞中多囊体、板膜体、溶酶体等细胞器主要集中在细胞核与核下的层面中。