However, these retorts were still dangerous to operate. 虽如此,这类高压杀菌锅的操作仍有危险。
On a phone call to someone in the "outside world," he retorts in true House form:" Yes, how many other friends do you have in the asylum?" 给“外面”的一位朋友打电话的时候,他以豪斯的风格反问说,“是的,你还有多少朋友在精神病院里?”
I always run inclusive and successful organisations, she retorts when I ask her whether she'd applied any lessons from that searing experience to her new post. 当我问她,有没有从那种惨痛的体验中吸取到某种教训、并将其应用于新职务时,她反驳说:我始终运行包容、成功的组织。
Be careful to avoid clever retorts or comedic one-liners here. 小心,不要用“聪明的狡辩”或幽默来回答。
These were just fishing agreements, retorts Peru. 而秘鲁却反驳那只是一个捕鱼协议。
These retorts were designed for supplying the Estonian Power Station with shale oil produced from unconcentrated fine-grained ( energy) oil shale. 设计这些干馏炉是为了向爱沙尼亚发电厂供应通过非浓缩细颗粒(能量)油母页岩产出的页岩油。
Unfortunately it has caused ulcers and snappy retorts to anyone around me. 不幸的是,它引起的溃疡和瞬间反驳了我周围的人。
Armenia retorts that it is up to Turkey to prove that its overtures are not designed solely to kill the genocide resolution; 亚美尼亚则反驳道,这取决于土耳其证明其提议不是单纯有意的阻扰种族灭绝议案;
How persuasive are these answers? Both invite robust retorts. 这两个答案都有值得反驳之处。
Today, the retorts and pot stills have been largely supplanted by more efficient distillation methods in most industrial processes. 如今,在许多工业过程中,绝大部分曲颈瓶和罐式蒸馏器已被效率更高的蒸馏方法代替。
Americans do n't know what work is, retorts another. “美国人不知道什么是工作,”另一位反驳道。
Mr Mayer retorts that even the IMF has learnt that its interventions work only if countries co-operate. 梅耶反驳说,国际货币基金组织认识到,干预措施只有在各国协同合作时才能奏效。
Groupon retorts that it is simply spending heavily to scoop up subscribers while the market it created is in its infancy. groupon反驳道,其开创的这一市场尚处发展初期,赤字只不过是在争抢用户时投资过巨。
His success strongly retorts the rumor that Chinese are genetically weak in the track and fields. 他的成功雄辩地反驳了认为中国人在体质上不善于田径运动的说法。
China retorts that it is America that is manipulating the markets by printing dollars. 中国则反驳称,美国印制美钞才是操纵市场。
Churchill was also notorious for his witty retorts. 丘吉尔也因为他机智诙谐的辩驳而出名。
China retorts that it cannot be expected immediately to adopt rules written for rich countries, especially since those nations violated such principles globally for decades. 中国反驳道,不能指望它会立即采用为富国制订的规矩,特别是因为那些富裕国家也曾在全球长期违反这些原则。
Coupled heat transfer and chemical reactions in magnesium production retorts Energy-saving, consumption reducing and discharge abatement are the vitality of silicothermic reduction in magnesium metallurgy 炼镁还原罐内传热与化学反应的耦合特性节能、降耗、减排是硅热法炼镁发展的生命力
( JPMorgan retorts that it acted in the interests of its shareholders). (摩根大通则反驳称,自己是在维护股东的利益。)
Sharp retorts roll off the tongues of the people he characterizes. 尖锐的反驳滔滔不绝地出自他所塑造的人物之口。
An obsolete kind of container used for distillation; two retorts connected by a tube. 用来蒸馏的陈旧的容器;两个蒸器用管子连接起来。
He mentions hedging the risk, but his boss retorts that in the next two years that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost profits. 首席风险官又建议对冲风险,但他的老板回击说这会使未来两年利润下降好几亿美金。
Microstructure Analysis of High Temperature Faited Reducing Retorts Used in Magnesium Production 炼镁还原罐高温失效金相组织分析
His theory of ″ impersonality ″, the core of his aesthetic theory, retorts and overturns the traditional theories, but is also his contribution to the theories of English modernist novels. 其中,非个性化和作家退出小说是乔伊斯美学思想的核心,这是他对传统的小说理论的反拨和颠覆,也是他对英国现代主义小说理论的重大贡献。
City gas supply by coke ovens, vertical retorts, water-gas generators and two stage water-gas generators are presented. Investment comparison of coke ovens and water-gas generators shows that water-gas should be favored in small and medium cities. 城市煤气气源有焦炉、直立炉、水煤气炉、两段水煤气炉等,文中列出了焦炉与水煤气炉的投资比较,说明水煤气是中小城市的主要气源。
Meanwhile, with his own views, Sima Qian criticizes and retorts the economic policies of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty. 同时,司马迁还以其经济思想对汉武帝的经济政策进行了批驳。
The PLC autometic control system of steam retorts process in cans 罐头蒸汽杀菌过程PLC自动控制系统
Steam retorts is a key working procedure in the process of canned foods, and its stability of technological process is the critical factor for the quality, color and ratio of finished products. 蒸汽杀菌是罐头食品加工过程的关键工序,其工艺流程的稳定性直接决定了产品的质量、成色和成品率。
But Aphra Behn is an innate unordinary woman, she is never forbidden by the conventional principles, she bravely retorts the unfair slanders at her and expresses herself passionately according to her inner mind. 但是阿芙拉·贝恩天生就是一位不平凡的女性,她从不墨守成规,敢于激情地表达自己心中真实的观点并勇敢地反驳那些对她不公的诋毁。