In the past year or two correspondent banking has come back into fashion as many western banks have retrenched to cut costs and eliminate less profitable activities, leaving only a handful of groups with a genuinely global reach. 在过去一两年,代理银行业务再次流行起来,因为许多西方银行紧缩开支,削减盈利能力不强的业务,只有少数几家银行集团才真正保留全球业务。
Prices have dropped in many parts of the country, sales have dried up and construction has fallen sharply as developers have retrenched. 全国许多地方的价格已经下降,销售趋于枯竭,随着开发商开始收缩,建设规模大幅跳水。
Cox initially expected to double enrollment in the program's second year, though Ms. Armstrong says it has 'retrenched' after struggling to find jobs for its Chinese cohort ─ 19 of 41 students. 考克斯商学院最初希望在项目的第二年扩招一倍学生,可是阿姆斯特朗说,在经历了为中国学生(41名学生中有19名是中国学生)找工作的艰辛历程之后学院缩减了计划。
The CPF Board must be satisfied that the applicant has truly been retrenched by his employer, and not someone who chose to be retrenched because he does not feel like working. 申请者也须是真正被裁的员工,而不是不想工作打算吃老本。
The latter were largely the result of the crisis: governments let fiscal deficits rise, as the private sector savagely retrenched. 如此高的赤字主要是由危机所致:由于私人部门厉行节约,政府就让财政赤字增长。
Generally, when women workers are retrenched, families get to lose one of their income earners. 一般上,妇女被裁,家庭少了一个收入来源;
In the US, consumers have retrenched, housing starts have crashed and a double-dip recession is possible. 在美国,消费者已紧缩支出,同时新屋开工数大幅下降。美国很可能会陷入双底衰退。
His solution landed the housing market in the worst of all worlds: their managements knew that if the blank cheques were filled out they would lose their jobs, so they retrenched and made mortgages more expensive and less available. 他的解决方案在最坏的情况下抵达房地产市场:那些管理者知道,如果空白支票填好,他们就会丢掉饭碗,因此他们收紧信贷,提高抵押贷款成本,减少抵押贷款供应。
They retrenched by eliminating half of the workers. 他们藉剔除一半的工作人员来节约开支。
In the past decade it has retrenched, closing overseas offices in Singapore, Malaysia and Greece, although it retains 12 local offices outside the UK, eight in Europe. 过去10年间,该学院不断收缩,关闭了新加坡、马来西亚和希腊的海外办事处,不过仍保留着12个英国以外的办事处,其中8个位于欧洲。
Even if you were retrenched, explain openly the reason but stressed on all you have accomplished for the company. 甚至,即使你不幸被裁员了,那么也请坦然地说清原因,并着重说明自己为公司所作出的成绩。
For example, while the US accounted for nearly 20 per cent of total world imports in 2000, the share dropped to nearly 12 per cent last year as debt-laden, job-worrying US consumers retrenched. 例如,2000年美国占全球进口总额的近20%,但去年这一比例降至近12%,原因是背负债务、担心就业前景的美国消费者缩减了支出。