Lex talionis is Latin for retributive justice, and here's how the experiment went down: Researchers from Columbia Business School and the Kellogg School at Northwestern put 48 randomly selected volunteers through two rounds of negotiations. Lextalionis是拉丁文,意为因果应报。该项实验是这样进行的:哥伦比亚商学院和西北大学凯洛格商学院的研究人员从志愿者中随机抽取48人,让其参加两轮议价。
But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas. 但在主要的逊尼派地区却是感到一种严酷的报应的情绪。
Compared to the retributive justice, restorative justice is a criminal treatment which achieves the restorative effect adopting the restorative procedure. 与传统的报应性司法相比,恢复性司法是一种通过恢复性程序实现恢复性结果的犯罪处理方法。
The essence of religion is life transmigration, retributive justice and undying of soul. 宗教的精髓,就是生命轮回、因果报应、灵魂不死。
His conception of the criminal law turned on the idea of retributive justice. 在刑法观上,他不同意关于惩罚的正义性观点。
This is the Karmic result of Retributive Actions ( cause and Effect) that we have created in out past lives. 这是过去世所造的业因带来的果报。
But because of the weakness of rule utilitarianism, the limits of Rawls 'understandings of traditional utilitarian and retributive theories, the reconciliation failed. 但是,由于规则功利主义自身的缺陷,以及罗尔斯对传统报应主义、功利主义认识的局限,这种调和的努力被证明是失败的。
Research on the Folk People's Thoughts and Grass-root Society of Nan Song by the Retributive Stories in Yi Jian Zhi 《夷坚志》报应故事所见南宋民众观念与基层社会
Through the statement about the theory of retributive penalty and the theory of utilitarian penalty, this part points out that retribution, corresponding to accomplished crime, is the just basis of Recidivist system; 该部分通过对报应刑理论和功利刑理论的论述,指出报应与已然之罪相对应,是累犯制度的正义性基础;
In modern criminal law punishment individualization stresses not only the need of defending crime and retributive need but also criminal complexion and criminal possibility over again of criminal. 在现代刑法中,刑罚个别化不仅要考虑预防犯罪的需要,而且要考虑报应的需要,既考虑犯罪的情状,也考虑犯罪分子重新犯罪的可能性。
Retributive Theory in Zhi Yuan's Buddhism Ideology 智圆佛学思想中的报应论
At the same time, conflict and fusion between the Buddhist comeuppance theory and the traditional retributive view in China are analyzed when Buddhism was prosperous in Tang and Song. 中国传统的善恶报应观与佛教的因果报应说即有相似处又有明显的差别。
The response to crime has gone through many methods such as retaliative punishment, deterrent punishment, retributive punishment, correctional punishment and eclectic punishment. 人类对犯罪的反应经历了报复刑、威慑刑、等价刑(报应刑)、矫正刑(教育刑)、折衷刑几种方式。
While it kept its religious discipline, idea of future life, spiritualism and individualism, it also in some degree accepted the traditional Retributive moral principles, the idea of current life and utilitarianism. 在保持固有的戒律性、出世性、精神性和个体性的基础上,接受了传统报应观的伦理性、现世性和功利性。
After rethinking the traditional idea of retributive punishment, modern criminal policies have made some turnings. 基于对传统报应刑罚观的反思,现代刑事政策发生了某些转向。
The end of punishment is an ancient topic which is limited in the doctrine of retributive punishment and the prevention of crimes doctrine. 刑法目的是一个古老的命题,人们一直以来仅局限于报应主义和预防主义之争。
The pattern of restorative judicature differs greatly from the pattern of traditional retributive justice, which takes great advantage of the criminal's penitence, repentance, and the victim's pardon. 恢复性司法模式与传统报应性司法模式有很多不同特点,它把犯罪人的悔恨、忏悔和被害人的宽恕作为重要因素。
From the angle of the relationship between justice and social order, retributive justice means suppressing and sacrificing the demand of protecting social order. 着眼于正义与社会秩序的关系,报应正义意味着对保护社会秩序的需要的抑制与牺牲;
Secondly, based on the retributive conception, the retributive mentality of victims is one kind of external realities, and it should be abreacted in a reasonable way; 其次,从报应观念来看,被害人的报复心理是一种客观存在,应当得到合理限度内的发泄;
The criminal record system is an important part of the penalty area, which is reasonable analyzing from retributive punishment and utilitarianism, and it has positive effect on criminal personality and social prevention. 前科制度是刑罚领域的重要组成部分,从报应刑和功利主义角度看具有一定的合理性,在实现犯罪预防、社会防卫上也具有一定积极作用。
Security Measures introduced into the field of criminal law is quite significant on the development of modern Western criminal law, it is the result that the modern retributive punishment transformed into the educational penalty, is the humane and scientific symbol of the modern Western criminal law. 保安处分引入刑法领域并加以规范,对近代西方刑法的发展具有非常重大的意义,它是近代报应性刑罚向教育性刑罚转化的结果,是近代西方刑法人道化和科学化的标志。
Criminal positive jurisprudence school bring out the individualization of punishment principle, and it developed from retributive justice and general prevention to individual prevention. 刑事实证学派提出刑罚个别化,由报应和一般预防观念发展到个别预防。
The compensation has the dual function of retribution and prevention, compensation is the modern retribution to some extent, compensation for the loss of the victims and their families achieve retributive justice to a certain degree. 赔偿就具有报应和预防的双重功能。赔偿在一定程度上就是现代的报应,通过赔偿被害人及其家属的损失,实现了一定程度上的报应正义。
In this section, we propose the probation system is based on the penalty of restraining, the combination theory of retributive punishment theory and purpose of punishment theory, and the individual punishment theory. Besides, we have analyzed the meaning of this theoretical basis. 在该部分,提出缓刑制度的理论基础是刑罚谦抑主义、报应刑论和目的刑论并合主义、刑罚个别化理论,并对其含义做了分析。
Revenge is the corresponding retributive justice, and compensation for mental counterpart is the restorative justice. 复仇心理对应的是报应性司法,而赔偿心理对应的是恢复性司法。
Otherwise it will lead to the error to repeat the evaluation, lost retributive justice and utilitarian justice. 否则会导致重复评价的错误,在失却报应正义的同时也容易在预防功利上走向反面,失却功利正义。
As the renaissance movement was popular in Europe in the eighteenth century, these ideas penetrated into the punishment theory slowly and the idea of retributive punishment began to waver. 缓刑的产生得益于自由、平等、博爱等体现人道主义的思想随着欧洲文艺复兴运动在欧洲广为传播,到了十八世纪以后,这些理念慢慢渗透于刑罚理论,报应刑理念开始动摇。
Deferred prosecution is accompanied by the trend transferring from the theory of retributive punishment to purposive punishment and the emergence of the doctrine of prosecuting discretion. 暂缓起诉制度来源于人们对刑罚目的由报应刑转向目的刑的思辨及其由此带来的起诉便宜主义的兴起之中。
The utilitarian theory insists upon the maximum social benefit from the punishment; the retributive theory argues for the just and deserving. 惩罚功利主义主张社会利益最大化;惩罚报应主义主张正义和应得。