Retroauricular island flap for eye socket reconstruction 颞浅血管为蒂的耳后岛状皮瓣再造眼窝
Removal of the second branchial cleft cyst using a retroauricular approach 耳后区进路切除第二鳃裂囊肿8例分析
Using pediculated orbicular muscle grafting for severe lower eyelid entropion RETROAURICULAR ISLAND FLAP FOR EYE SOCKET RECONSTRUCTION 带蒂眼轮匝肌翻转术治疗严重下睑内翻颞浅血管为蒂的耳后岛状皮瓣再造眼窝
Repairing of preauricular and facial defects with retroauricular flap transposition 应用耳后皮瓣移位修复耳前及面颊组织缺损
Application of Retroauricular Flap Pedicled on Superficial Temporal Artery in Reconstruction of Upper Helix Defect 应用颞浅动脉耳后支皮瓣修复上耳轮缺损
Objective To introduce a new technique of one-stage auricular reconstruction by using the retroauricular fascial flap. 目的介绍烧伤后在耳后有扁平状瘢痕的情况下,利用耳后筋膜瓣行一期耳再造。
Application of retroauricular groove flap in reconstruction of ear 耳后沟皮瓣在耳再造术中的应用
Clinical application of the retroauricular flap 耳后皮瓣的临床应用
Result: 36 cases of retroauricular groove flap through this surgery were survived, and reconstituted auricles had obvious skull-auricles angle, the symmetry of reconstituted auricles were improved. 结果:36例耳后沟皮瓣均成活,再造耳有明显的颅耳角度,增强了与健耳的对称性。
Method: A retroauricular groove flap with pedicel was designed to reconstruct retroauricular groove. 方法:利用残耳或多余皮肤设计带蒂的耳后沟皮瓣修复耳后沟。
Treatment of helical keloid with retroauricular skin expansion 耳后皮肤扩张法治疗耳轮瘢痕疙瘩
Reconstruction of partial nose defects with retroauricular free flap transplantation 耳后游离皮瓣移植修复鼻部分缺损
Conclusion The technique of retroauricular flap pedicled on the superficial temporal artery, which could provide sufficient donor tissues, is a simple and ideal technique for the reconstruction of upper helix defect. 结论颞浅动脉耳后支皮瓣修复上耳轮缺损,手术操作简单、易行,皮瓣血供可靠。
Conclusion Autogenous rib cartilage is an ideal material for ear reconstruction, the effect is good by double-lobe skin flap and retroauricular groove flap, and the hearing is also improved after operation. 结论自体肋软骨是耳再造的理想材料,双叶皮瓣及耳后沟皮瓣行耳再造效果满意,听力有所提高。
Microsurgical anatomic study of the retroauricular flap 耳后皮瓣血管的显微外科解剖学基础
Conclusion V-Y advanced flap and rotate composite flap are effective methods for the correction of cup ear deformity. The rational using of retroauricular flap and fixation of contour of auricle and cavity of concha are also the key points for the operation. 结论采用V-Y推进法及耳甲复合组织瓣上旋法分别是修复轻中度及重度杯状耳畸形的较好方法,耳后皮瓣的合理应用及外耳的固定塑形也是不可忽视的手术成功的关键。
Objective: To investigate the vascular communication between the superficial temporal artery ( STA) and the posterior auricular artery ( PAA) and determine the vascular territory of various retroauricular flaps for flap design. 目的:研究颞浅动脉和耳后动脉之间的血管联系,以确定带不同血管蒂的耳后皮瓣的血供范围和皮瓣设计。
A 63-year-old female complained with erythema, papules on her scalp for 3 months and with plaques and nod-ules in the right temporal and retroauricular regions for 11 days without any symptoms. 患者女,63岁。头面部无症状性红斑、丘疹3个月,伴紫红色斑块、结节11d。
Application of retroauricular fascial flap to postburn auricular reconstruction 烧伤后用耳后筋膜瓣行耳再造
When the expanding process has been finished, the expander was removed and the expanded induced prefabricated skin flap of the retroauricular and mastoid process region pedicled on the superficial temporal vascular bundle was elevated and transferred to repair the facial skin defect. 扩张完毕后,取出扩张器,以颞浅动静脉为蒂,掀起耳后乳突区预制岛状筋膜皮瓣,用于面部皮肤缺损的修复。
Establishment of animal modal: The modal of auditory deprivation was established by bilateral cochlear ablation through retroauricular incision. 结果:1.动物模型的建立:通过耳后切口双侧耳蜗损毁术可以建立稳定可靠的听觉剥夺动物模型。
Superficial temporal fascia and retroauricular fascia are richly vascular and supplied by the superficial temporal artery and the posterior auricular artery respectively. 颞浅筋膜和耳后筋膜存在丰富的血运,分别由颞浅动脉和耳后动脉供血。