Computed tomography scanning of the orbit showed enhancing and bulky optic nerve sheath at the retrobulbar part of both optic nerves. 眼窝电脑断层扫描显示两侧球后视神经部分加强和大块的视神经鞘。
Combined anesthesia effect of pentobarbital peritoneal cavities injection and lidocaine retrobulbar injection in rat penetrating keratoplasty 大鼠角膜移植戊巴比妥腹腔注射联用利多卡因球后注射麻醉的效果
Curative effect observation of compound anisodine and steroid on optic nerve injury by retrobulbar injection 复方樟柳碱和激素球周注射对视神经挫伤的疗效观察
Study of retrobulbar haemodynamics changes of the eyes with retinal detachment before and after operation Operative methods and results in patients with traumatic cataract 视网膜脱离患者手术前后球后血液动力学的研究外伤性白内障手术方式的选择与术后视力的关系
The effectiveness of drug treatment and optic canal decompression surgery in the treatment of acute retrobulbar optic neuritis 药物与视神经管减压治疗急性球后视神经炎疗效观察
With retrobulbar disease, patients may present with proptosis, eyelid swelling and pain. 累及球后的病变,病人可以出现眼球突出、眼睑肿胀和疼痛。
Conclusion Bmode ultrasonography is of great importance in the clinical diagnosis of retrobulbar neuritis. 结论B型超声对球后视神经炎的诊断具有重要的临床应用价值。
Retrobulbar Injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide to Treat Macular Edema Secondary to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion 球后注射曲安奈德治疗视网膜分支静脉阻塞继发黄斑水肿
Objective To evaluate and compare efficacy and safety of subconjunctive and retrobulbar anesthesia for glaucoma operation. 目的评估和比较球结膜浸润麻醉和球后麻醉下行青光眼手术的可靠性及安全性。
Treatment of retrobulbar hemorrhage after retrobulbar anesthesia in manual small incision cataract surgery 手法小切口白内障手术球后麻醉发生球后出血的处理
Objective To explain the diagnosis and treatment of retrobulbar hematoma after baggy eye-plasty. 目的介绍眼袋成形术并发球后血肿的诊断和治疗。
Methoods Retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine was used in23 cases of absolute glaucoma. 方法对23例绝对期青光眼采用球后注射氯丙嗪。
The effect of ocular compression on indirect orbital tension and intraocular pressure following retrobulbar anesthesia 压迫降压对球后阻滞麻醉后的间接眶压和眼压的影响
AIM: To determine the significance of VEP's examination for acute retrobulbar neuritis. 目的探讨视觉诱发电位检查在急性球后视神经炎早期诊断、治疗、判断预后中应用的意义。
New route of retrobulbar anesthesia and cataract surgery 球后麻醉新入路与白内障手术
Objective To explore the effect of the new route of retrobulbar anesthesia. 目的探讨球后麻醉新入路的临床效果。
Comparison of retrobulbar and sub-Tenon's capsule injection of local anesthetic in vitreoretinal surgery 球后与Tenon囊下局部麻醉在玻璃体视网膜手术中作用的比较研究
Objective To investigate hemodynamics of elderly patients with propofol application before retrobulbar nerve block in department of ophthalmology. 目的探讨高龄眼科患者球后神经阻滞前应用异丙酚对其血流动力学的影响。
Objective To observe the effect of topical, retrobulbar combined ketamine anaesthesia in infant cataract surgery. 目的探讨幼儿白内障手术采用表面麻醉,球后麻醉联合氯胺酮麻醉的方法和效果。
Characteristics of the pupillary light reflex in the patients with retrobulbar neuritis 球后视神经炎患者的瞳孔对光反射特征
Conclusion Subconjunctival anesthesia may substitute retrobulbar anesthesia in glaucoma surgery. 结论在青光眼手术中,球结膜浸润麻醉完全可以代替球后麻醉,值得推广。
Conclusion A lot of complications what caused by retrobulbar anesthesia and peribulbar anesthesia can be avoid with topical anesthesia in small incision non-phacoemulsification cataract surgery. 结论表麻下小切口非超声乳化白内障手术避免了球周、球后麻醉带来的一系列并发症。
Methods: The animal model of retinal ischemia was established by retrobulbar injection of noradrenalin into SD rat, and a quantitative stereological analysis was made by using electron microscopic techniques and image analysis. 方法:给SD大鼠球后注射去甲肾上腺素,建造视网膜缺血的动物模型;用电镜和图像分析等方法,对缺血视网膜组织中线粒体表面积密度的动态改变进行体视学定量分析。
Purpose: To improve the diagnostic efficacy of retrobulbar lesions by establishing MRI signal patterns. 目的:为提高MRI诊断和鉴别诊断眼球后病变能力,通过分析MRI信号征象,建立常见眼球后病变MRI信号变化模式。
Objective To evaluate the advantages and lacks of treatment of retrobulbar tumor with transcranial orbitotomy. 目的探讨球后肿瘤经颅眶入路切除的优势和不足。
Objective To determine iodine concentration of the rabbit vitreous body in the different time after prolonium iodide intramuscular or retrobulbar injection. 目的测定普罗碘铵经肌肉或球后注射后,不同时间点家兔玻璃体中碘的浓度。
Objective To study the effect of ocular compression on indirect orbital tension ( IOT) and intraocular pressure ( IOP) following retrobulbar anesthesia. 目的研究球后阻滞麻醉后使用袖带压迫降压法对间接眶压和眼压的影响。
Objective To observe the characteristics of pupillary light reflex in the patients with retrobulbar neuritis, and to evaluate the effects of pupillary light reflex on the diagnosis and treatment of retrobulbar neuritis. 目的了解球后视神经炎(RON)患者的瞳孔对光反射特征,探讨瞳孔对光反射检查在RON诊断和治疗中的临床应用价值。
Asymmetric visual field loss and retrobulbar haemodynamics in primary open-angle glaucoma 原发性开角型青光眼的不对称性视野缺损和球后血流动力学
Contralateral Amaurosis After Retrobulbar Anesthesia ( Report of 2 cases) 球后麻醉引起对侧眼黑朦(2例报告)