The two parties agreed on the retrocession deal a year later, which limits Swiss Re exposure to life insurance contracts it wrote before 2004. 一年后双方达成“转分保”协议,限制了瑞士再保险公司对其在2004年以前承保的人寿保单的风险敞口。
Set the tone and direction for the development of the post-war literature in Taiwan, Played a pivotal role in the reconstruction process of the retrocession, the Taiwanese Literature. 这一努力实现了五四新文学传统在台湾的传承、发展和两岸文学的汇流,为战后台湾文学的发展奠定了基调和方向,在光复初期台湾文学的重建进程中起到了举足轻重的作用。