Based on first assessments, he says returnees to the villages in the buffer zone need rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance as many of their homes have been burned down or otherwise damaged. 他说,根据初步的估计,返回缓冲区的村民需要得到重新恢复和重建的援助,因为他们的住房有许多已经被烧毁或者遭到破坏。
Therefore, most of these A-listers share similar life paths: overseas returnees striving to be successful back home. 这些先锋人物大多拥有相似的人生道路:作为海归,他们回国后都努力追求成功。
The annual report reveals that 86 percent of returnees found a job within six months. 2013年度《中国海归发展报告》称,86%的海归能在6个月内找到工作。
His view is echoed in the 2013 Survey Report on Overseas Returnees 'Employability. 他的观点在启德教育集团发布的《2013海归就业力调查报告》中得到了验证。
Besides, the economic situation in China has boosted returnees 'confidence in a future career at home. 此外,中国大好的经济形势也增强了海归们回国就业的信心。
Overseas returnees who pass selection procedures must be familiar with local conditions, Hong said. 而那些能顺利通过重重选拔程序的海归们,都是对当地情况十分熟悉的。
In a community hole in Dakar, they held a meeting so called returnees. 在达喀尔的一个社区里,他们召开了一次所谓的回国者会议。
Sometimes the perks lavished on returnees can create tension with existing faculty. 但有的时候,归国人员享有的超高待遇,可能导致与国内教师关系紧张。
Nowadays as more and more people study abroad, the returnees are not so popular as before. 现如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多,“海龟(归)派”也不像原来那样吃香了。
Programme in favour of displaced persons, refugees and returnees; 援助流离失所者、难民和回返者方案;
Because your nephew is one of the returnees. 就是缘于你的侄子就是回归者之一?
Senior Adviser to the Administrator on Emergency, Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons 关于紧急情况、难民、回返者和流离失所者问题的署长高级顾问
Situation of refugees, returnees and displaced persons in africa; 非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者的情况;
The third category includes countries that experience significant brain drain as well as large numbers of returnees and high levels of brain circulation. 第三类是那些既经历了显著人才外流也经历了大量人才回归和高层次人才环流的国家和地区。
United Nations Conference for the comprehensive consideration and review of the problems of refugees, returnees, displaced persons and migrants 全面审议和审查难民、回返者、流利失所者和移民问题联合国会议
The UNHCR therefore provides financial assistance to help returnees resume their normal lives in Vietnam. 因此,专员署向回国者提供经济援助,帮助他们在越南重过正常生活。
International Conference on the Plight of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Southern Africa 南部非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者困境问题国际会议
Indeed, Taiwanese companies and returnees are already a driving force in corporate innovation in China. 实际上,在中国大陆,台湾公司和归国人员已经是企业创新的驱动力。
The returnees come back with much more than salable skills. 回国者带回来的不仅仅是畅销的技能。
The virus is brought in by prostitutes, traders and returnees coming from bordering countries with high prevalence rates. 于是,来自艾滋病感染率很高的邻国的妓女,商旅,以及回国的人把艾滋病毒带了进来。
Assistance to refugees and returnees in Ethiopia 向埃塞俄比亚境内的难民和回返的人提供援助
One explanation is that after proving themselves in another culture, returnees find coming home a dismal anti-climax. 一个解释是,在另一种文化里证明自己之后,归国人员发现回国后有一种反高潮的失落感。
Returnees are also closely monitored in Vietnam by the UNHCR to ensure that these guarantees are fully respected. 专员署也会密切监察这些人回国后的情况,确保越南政府完全履行其保证。
This study examines the main issues existing in policy supporting entrepreneurship and business incubator development for Chinese overseas returnees in Guangzhou. 本文分析了广州留学回国人员创业政策以及创业园区建设中存在的主要问题。
Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees. 机场,火车站和长途汽车站挤满了回家的人们。
Ad Hoc Committee for Aid to Returnees 援助回返家园者特设委员会
He says all returnees have been immunized against communicable diseases, such as typhoid and measles. 他还说,所有返乡者已接种了预防传播疾病的疫苗,比如伤寒和麻疹疫苗。
The affected areas are known to host large numbers of returnees, as well as displaced populations living in areas not easily accessible and dispersed population settlements. 这些受影响地区已知收容了大量返回人员,以及在不容易进入的地区和分散居民点生活的流离失所人群。
This culture even permeates the minds of those who are new returnees from abroad; 这种文化甚至影响到了新海归。