The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany. 柏林墙终于倒塌了,预示着德国的重新统一。
Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea. 也许实现统一最大的绊脚石是驻扎在韩国的军队。
Steps and arrangements for peaceful national reunification; (三)和平统一的步骤和安排;
The reunification of the motherland is an irreversible historical trend. The Taiwan question will surely be resolved. 祖国统一是不可阻挡的历史潮流,台湾问题是一定能够解决的。
Peaceful reunification is in the best interests of the Chinese nation, including our compatriots in Taiwan. 和平统一最符合包括台湾同胞在内的中华民族的根本利益。
What if we have reunification? 假如我们又见面了呢?
We hope the two Parties will work together for national reunification and both contribute to the Chinese nation. 我们希望国共两党共同完成民族统一,大家都对中华民族作出贡献。
The nation is moving towards peaceful reunification. 这个国家正走向和平的再统一。
To conduct dialogue and hold negotiations on peaceful reunification has been our consistent position. 开展对话,进行和平统一谈判,是我们的一贯主张。
We have the maximum sincerity and will exert our utmost efforts to make peaceful reunification a reality. 我们将本着最大的诚意,进行最大的努力,促进两岸的和平统一。
Many Taiwanese remain deeply hostile to Beijing and the idea of any reunification with mainland China. 许多台湾人仍对北京,连同对与大陆恢复统一的想法抱着深深的敌意。
We appreciate that an overwhelming majority of the countries explicitly support china's reunification. 绝大多数国家明确支持中国统一。我们对此表示感谢。
To realize the country's reunification is our unshakable stand and goal of unremitting struggle. 实现国家统一,是我们坚定不移的立场和不懈奋斗的目标。
American and South Korean officials have discussed such a reunification in the event that North Korea collapses under the weight of its economic and political problems. 美国和韩国官员讨论了这样一个统一的事件,朝鲜在其经济和政治问题的重量倒塌。
The law is by no means a war bill, but for the peaceful reunification of the country. 不是一部战争的法律,而是和平统一国家的法律;
Adhere to the one China policy and promote the country's great cause of peaceful reunification! 坚持一个中国原则,推进祖国和平统一大业!
Its objectives are the reunification of ireland, political independence and national sovereignty. 它的目标是实现爱尔兰的重新统一,政治独立和国家主权。
The rapid development of foreign trade and economic cooperation has forcefully promoted the growth of the national economy, improved and strengthened china's foreign relations, and advanced the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. 外经贸迅速发展,有力地推动了国民经济增长,改善和加强了中国对外关系,促进了祖国统一大业。
Can they lure North Korea to consider peaceful reunification or to renounce its nuclear ambitions? 他们能不能诱使朝鲜考虑与韩国和平统一?或是放弃核武野心?
Reunification of the peninsula remains a hallowed goal on either side. 朝鲜半岛的重新统一对双方而言都是一个空洞的目标。
So I want to see my great motherland to achieve peaceful reunification as soon as possible. 我愿意看到我们的伟大祖国能够尽早实现和平统一。
The treaty coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union and with German reunification. 这个条约与苏联解体和德国统一同时出现。
Prosperity and stability cannot be maintained, and peaceful reunification of the motherland will be out of the question. 就不能保持它们的繁荣和稳定,也不能和平解决祖国统一问题。
German reunification disturbed the delicate balance of a union founded on the Franco-German alliance. 德国的统一,打乱了建立在法德同盟基础上的欧盟的微妙平衡。
But reunification was not kind to them. 但是统一对他们并不友好。
But the development of the separatist trend on Taiwan has greatly hindering the process of peaceful reunification. 但是,台湾岛内分裂倾向的发展,严重阻碍着和平统一的进程。
Can we give up the reunification of our country? 难道我们能够放弃国家统一?
Of course, it takes time to bring about peaceful reunification. 当然,实现和平统一需要一定时间。