A couple of boozy revellers dropped their trousers. 两名醉酒的狂欢者脱掉了他们的裤子。
His audience consists predominantly of groups of rugby-club revellers. 他的观众主要是橄榄球俱乐部里那些纵酒作乐的人。
Many of the revellers are tourists and British day-trippers. 很多饮酒狂欢的人都是观光客和来一日游的英国旅客。
The revellers probably don't know the origins of Halloween, which go back to ancient Celtic traditions in Ireland. 不过这些兴高采烈的狂欢者们可能并不清楚万圣节的来历。万圣节要追溯到凯尔特人时期(古不列颠时期)。
This is only because Halloween is becoming more and more popular, with hordes of revellers dressing up as ghosts, goblins and witches. 都是因为万圣节这几年在中国越来越火,一到这个时候就有成群兴奋的人们或装扮成幽灵,或装扮成小鬼,巫婆。
Riot police broke up crowds of revellers who flocked to the town. 防暴警察出动,驱散拥挤在小镇上的人群。
The party had been cancelled and police had issued an appeal to would-be revellers not to come to Haren but at least 3,000 turned up anyway. 聚会虽然已被取消,警察也发出呼吁让狂欢者别去哈伦,但仍有至少3000人出现在小镇上。
Some revellers accused the police of over-reacting. 一些狂欢者批评警察反应过激了。
Revellers could be seen wearing T-shirts marked Project X Haren after Project X-a film released earlier this year about a party that grows out of control. 狂欢者还穿着印有哈伦X计划的T恤,这个名字来自《X计划》今年早些时候上映的一部讲述生日聚会失控的电影。
Considered to be one of the biggest logistical tests during the games this summer, 800 London pubs face severe disruption to lorry deliveries of draught beer, leading to months of planning to avoid revellers going thirsty. 这被视为今年夏季奥运会期间最大的物流考验之一。伦敦800家酒吧可能遭遇生啤配送严重中断的现象,这促使他们用几个月的时间来制定计划,以避免到时客人喝不到酒。
Twice as many revellers took part in the May bank holiday party than last year, defying police warnings to reign themselves in and curb their behaviour. 此次参加五月公共假日派对的学生人数是去年的两倍,他们公然反抗警察让他们管好自己,约束好行为的警告。
As revellers were marking the newborn country's secession from the north, Josephine Alphanes gave birth to her son, who she named Independence. 就在人们欢庆纪念这个新生的国家从北苏丹“难产”独立而出时,约瑟芬•阿芙尼也产下了她的儿子,并给儿子取名:独立。
The event the highlight of a week-long festival was banned for a short time when revellers pelted a government official and the town held a funeral for its favourite fruit. 这个活动是一周节日的高潮,一度被禁止过。当时狂欢者用西红柿投掷政府官员。为此,小镇居民为他们钟爱的西红柿举行了葬礼。
When the clock strikes twelve, revellers give a loud cheer, pop champagne corks and give each other a kiss. 当新年钟声响起的时候,参加聚会的人都大声欢呼,打开香槟酒互相庆祝,并互相问候。
Tens of thousands of revellers from around the world pelted each other with tonnes of tomatoes Wednesday in a mushy festival in the eastern Spanish town of Bunol. 一年一度的“西红柿大战”于本周三在西班牙东部小镇布诺尔举行,当天,来自世界各地的数万名狂欢者互相扔掷熟透的番茄。被扔砸的番茄达好几吨。
The Home Office Minister, Alan Campbell, said the redesign could make a significant difference to the number of revellers who are injured. 英国内政部部长艾伦·坎贝尔表示,重新设计玻璃啤酒杯可能会给一些因饮酒狂欢而造成麻烦的人带来显著的不同。
Revellers in a British town are to have their fingerprints scanned when they enter pubs and clubs in a scheme aimed at weeding out drunken troublemakers. 英格兰西南部的约维尔镇将实施一项计划,要求进入酒吧和俱乐部的人员需要进行指纹扫描,留下自己相关信息。这项计划旨在清除酒吧中那些醉酒后寻衅滋事的人。
But although the festivities raised thousands of pounds for good causes the uproar caused by hundreds of revellers flocking to the village has alarmed locals. 虽然庆祝活动成功筹集到数千英镑行善,但数以百计蜂拥来到村庄的狂欢者还是造成了骚乱,这使当地人感到震惊。
Millions of revellers saw in the New Year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across Britain and around the world. 英国主要城市及世界各地的数百万狂欢者人以壮观的焰火表演和盛大的街头狂欢迎接了新年。
The event took place on the Times Square that on Monday night was packed with hundreds of thousands of New Year revellers. “粉碎烦恼”活动于“大解脱日”当天在纽约时代广场举行,前来参加活动的大多数人都是为了忘却一些不美好的回忆。
Asian revellers from Hanoi to Pyongyang welcomed the arrival of the Lunar New Year Thursday with fireworks, prayers and family reunions. 从河内到平壤,亚洲国家的人们星期四以燃放焰火、祈福和家庭团聚的方式来迎接新年的到来。
He stood on the steps, like a spectator at a play, and watched the revellers move about, laugh, shout. 他站在石阶上看着人们在动,在笑,在叫,像演戏一样。
That game-and others that promote mass consumption-will be banned from April and publicans will have to ensure free tap water is made available to revellers. 从今年四月起,该游戏以及其它豪饮游戏将被禁止。此外,酒馆老板必须为饮酒者提供免费的饮用水。
Christmas in Manhattan is part of the global imagination, a mythology of Miracles on 34th Street and revellers in Central Park. 曼哈顿的圣诞是这个全球狂欢日的一部分,据说第三十四大街上充满神话般的奇迹,中央公园里到处是狂欢的人群。
Twice in the lead-up to the Olympics they sealed up the area and searched revellers for drugs. 在奥运前夕,警察已经两次封闭该地区搜查吸毒者。
After pelting each other for an hour revellers jump in a nearby river to clean themselves while the fire brigade hose down the streets. 在番茄大战经过一小时后,狂欢者将跳入附近的河中清洗身体,而消防车会冲洗街道。
Thousands of revellers from around the world have attended Sensation, Six Senses for Six Districts, the largest of the Italian city's carnivals. 来自世界各地成千上万的狂欢者参与到此次盛会中,主题为“六区六感”的威尼斯狂欢节是意大利城市狂欢节中最盛大的一个。
Many revellers, including many from Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Asia, wore hard hats, goggles or protective plastic sheets. 前来参加狂欢节的人之中有不少来自英国、法国、德国、俄罗斯和亚洲等地,很多人戴着头盔,护以保护自己免受伤害。
Revellers swigged champagne, beer, spirits and cocktails ahead of the ban which came into force at midnight. 饮酒狂欢者豪饮香槟,啤酒,烈酒和鸡尾酒,在禁令生效前的午夜。