
英 [rɪˈvɪərɪŋ] 美 [rɪˈvɪrɪŋ]

v.  尊敬; 崇敬


  1. VERB 尊敬;崇敬;敬重
    If you revere someone or something, you respect and admire them greatly.
    1. The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven...
    2. Today he's still revered as the father of the nation.


  1. People never tired of watching them and didn't even want to blink their eyes. Furthermore, no man or woman in this world, upon seeing them, could refrain from helping, supporting and revering them.
  2. It contains Abundant revering the ethics theory in the Confucius theory of goodness.
  3. Meanwhile, the novel puts forward a just attitude to beauty: revering.
  4. All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast. It contains Abundant revering the ethics theory in the Confucius theory of goodness.
  5. On the other side, Liu Xie has realized the idea inside the literature, by the strategy revering the classics.
  6. From the perspective of the dual relations between man and nature and between people and people, the development process of ethics is composed of three stages: the stage of revering divinities, of revering humans and of revering all things of creation.
  7. Research on HS-WEDM's Short-circle Revering Based on Controlling by MCU
  8. Chinese ancient literature theory has been revering original creativity instead of imitation.
  9. Observing the tradition of revering canonical works and written records, Si Maqian also affirmed the significance and reliability of oral historical materials.
  10. Revering the ethics thought of Confucius offer the inspiration of intelligence to solve people and natural relation rationally for people of today and promote the development of the society in order.
  11. Revering the Heaven and Worshipping the Tao: An Ideological Background of the Forming Medieval Taoism
  12. It uses Priority inherit agreement to solve the problems of revering of RT-Linux.
  13. What's more important is, in a corporal crazy era, pedagogy should care for body by the power of rationality, and cultivate the students to form a rational and revering attitude toward their bodies.
  14. Teaching is the contract of life to life, so establishing the life consciousness in teaching, revering the life, taking good care of the life, and developing the life, is required in theory.
  15. Over the past century, the practical rationality of science has permeated all aspects of academic culture and social ideology, from acceptance of scientific knowledge to promoting the scientific spirit, from revering scientific method to embracing a scientific view of the world.
  16. Exactly because of revering to the life, the existence of questioning of life situation, she regards writing as a kind of existence, and shoulder the responsibility of being a writer and writing the mission with truth actively.
  17. Only human beings, however, are able to take the moral responsibility of "revering life".
  18. The scientific intension of the library humanism include revering the library system, maintaining the library rights, showing concern for the weak crowd and insisting on the library occupation spirit.
  19. In the face of multicultural times being a challenge, the choice in the future should be: resume revering eternal truth, defend spiritual value the highest, rebuild the value coordinate of human beings.
  20. The application of equivalent draw bead s to sheet forming blank design is studied and the ideal of blank design using revering method combined with equivalent draw bead is conceived.
  21. After PLC control technology is applied, the revering program disturbance protection is realized, enabling electric control system for gas reversing machine more safe and reliable.
  22. In this problem, there are reasons which not only student's sense has been changed at information society and parents 'honoring the teacher and revering teaching sense has been changed in market economy, but also teacher-self power is weaken.
  23. How to adopt the sound system to guarantee the cadres troops morals development, the article puts forward a few suggestions: strengthening revering the laws consciousness;
  24. Then explain to revering establishment and its concrete theory component of life ethics on this basis, and then sum up and summarize its important influence in ecological ethics.
  25. The institution of dispelling disasters through sacrifice. Developing from the customs of revering ghosts and gods from the time of Pre-Qin, this institution is implemented through people invoking or controlling some supra natural power to preventing or eliminating natural disasters.
  26. In this part, I elaborated the representation, the degree, the reason, the essence, the category of his legitimate thought, and studied the legitimate thought of revering the Ming Dynasty repulsing the Qing Dynasty profoundly.
  27. In that sense, we have to admit that Yang Ke is a poet worthy revering in this era.
  28. The emperor of Liang dynasty, Xiao Yan, is famous for revering Buddha in the history of Chinese civilization.
  29. It contains the revering psychology of fertility cult, the pursuing lucky and avoiding disaster psychology of animism, and the induced psychology that generate from similar subjective association among things.