
(revetment 的复数) n. 护墙, 障壁, 护岸
revetment 的复数


  1. Studies on Beijing Rural Non-centralized Water Source Protection Measures Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments
  2. Discussion on design methods of garden revetments construction
  3. ON THE SUSTAINABLE USE OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES AND ECOLOGICAL PROTECTION IN SICHUAN PROVINCE; Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments
  4. Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments The Study of Building Measures on Ecological Restoration in China
  5. Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments System of Evaluating and Forecasting The Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation in Shandong
  6. The Soil and Water Conservation Effects of Soil-bioengineer In Revetments of Subgrade River Side The Hydrological Effect between Jingjiang River and Dongting Lake during Initial Period of Three Gorges Project Operation
  7. The area of riprap protection, protective revetments and silt arrester projects shall be defined in accordance with the approved design documents.
  8. Study on the Water Holding Performance and Water-supply Measures for Eco-concrete; Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments
  9. In the meanwhile, it still needs a further study on how to readjust and improve the engineering layout and bank revetments based on the future variations of river regime.
  10. The main control measures used for the upper and middle reaches and its main tributaries are the constructions of embankments, river training or revetments for against scouring.
  11. Analysis of Causes of Landslide of Revetments for An Artificial Island and Rehabilitation of Revetments
  12. Operation and effect of bank revetments of hidden works in major levees of the Yangtze River
  13. Study on Shaft Location and Bank Revetments of Changjiang Immersed Tunnel in Nanjing
  14. The stability and wave overtopping rate of 3 kinds of revetments ( sloping, big step and cylindrical structure types) are studied by using sectional model test.
  15. Besides, the numerical study of profile evolution with sheltering submerged breakwaters and revetments is carried out to assess the sheltering effects of breakwaters with different top elevations, top width and distance from the shore.