
网络  可评估的; 可修订性

BNC.49649 / COCA.39877


  1. This warning is considered reviewable, but not necessarily actionable.
  2. Research on the Scope of Reviewable Administrative Actions in China under WTO Environment; The Establishment of Environment Commonweal Lawsuit Partner of Procurator
  3. Agency action made reviewable by statute and final agency action for which there is no adequate remedy in a court are subject to judicial review.
  4. The draft proposed half-yearly reports and decisions would not be reviewable.
  5. Even if you have to do what seems to be a little extra work to break your piece into multiple working, reviewable chunks, the mistakes saved will pay you back a hundred-fold.
  6. Unless a case raises a federal question or otherwise falls within the jurisdiction of the federal courts, the decisions of state courts are not reviewable by the federal courts.
  7. [ Objective] To give the reviewable analysis to 22 cases of subcutaneous nodules of Paragonimiasis met in the biopsy in Ankang district in recent years and remind the clinical doctors of learning more about the types of subcutaneous nod-ules of paragonimiasis.