Cherishing Honor, Revivifying and Setting up Fine Achievement again; The re-wards for the athletes emphasized more on the aspects of spirits and honor. 珍惜荣誉振奋精神再创佳绩对运动员的奖励也着重于精神和荣誉方面;
They deconstructed traditional research on The Book of Songs and removed forged history for the purposes of revivifying the remote history. 古史辨以还原上古真史为目的,解构传统《诗经》学,清除历代《诗经》学萌生的伪史并查证真史。
By the way of the sampling and revivifying method, the existence of ring-core structure of particle motion is shown, the fact that the lower part is a dense region and the upper part is a dilute region is also proved. 对于颗粒碰撞事件,采用本文中提供的抽样与还原技术,可以较好的模拟循环流化床中颗粒运动的环核结构以及上稀下浓的非均匀结构。
Asset securitization originates from revivifying the secondary markets of mortgage and with a deeper innovation, people regard it as an effective channel to bridge traditional direct financing and indirect one. 资产证券化产生的动因是活化抵押贷款二级市场,随创新的深化,人们将其发展成为沟通传统的直接融资和间接融资的一个有效通道。
In lasted over 2000 years in China, the supervision system played important roles in strengthening empire reign, maintaining tyrannic central power, punishing corruption, revivifying official system and sustaining the operation of feudal national machine. 在中国二千多年的历史长河中,监察制度对巩固皇权统治、维护专制集权及惩贪反腐、整饬吏治,维护封建国家机器的正常运转等方面起到了重要的作用。