n. (尤指针对政府的)反抗,违抗; 起义; 叛乱 v. 反抗,反叛(当权者); 叛逆; 违抗; 使惊骇; 令人厌恶 revolt的第三人称单数和复数
N-VAR 反叛;起义;叛乱;抗争 A revolt is an illegal and often violent attempt by a group of people to change their country's political system.
It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders... 不可否认,这是一场平民百姓反抗领导人的起义。
The newly-occupied Italian colony of Libya rose in revolt in 1914. 意大利新占领的殖民地利比亚于1914年发生叛乱。
VERB 反叛;起义;叛乱;抗争 When people revolt, they make an illegal and often violent attempt to change their country's political system.
In 1375 the townspeople revolted... 1375年,市民奋起反抗。
Zanzibar's fortunes declined after the islanders revolted against the sultanate in 1964. 桑给巴尔岛的居民于1964年反抗苏丹统治,随后时局便不断恶化。
N-VAR (对权威的)反抗,拒绝服从 A revolt by a person or group against someone or something is a refusal to accept the authority of that person or thing.
The prime minister is facing a revolt by party activists over his refusal to hold a referendum... 因为拒绝进行公民投票,首相正面临着党内激进分子的反抗。
Soon the entire armed forces were in open revolt. 很快,整个武装部队开始公然抗命。
VERB 反抗,拒绝服从(权威) When people revolt against someone or something, they reject the authority of that person or reject that thing.
The prime minister only reacted when three of his senior cabinet colleagues revolted and resigned in protest on Friday night... 直到周五晚上首相的3位高级内阁同僚倒戈并辞职以示抗议时,首相才有所反应。
Caroline revolted against her ballet training at sixteen. 卡罗琳16岁时拒绝接受芭蕾舞训练。
A series of long wars and revolts followed in the 17th century began a steady decline of Spanish power in Europe. 17世纪后一系列长期战争和起义大大减弱了西班牙在欧洲的力量。
But he warned that civil unrest of the kind seen in the Arab Spring revolts could erupt if economic growth does not help people of all income levels, and also include women and youth. 但他同时也警告说,如果经济增长没有惠及各个收入阶层,以及妇女和青年的话,就很有可能爆发像阿拉伯之春那样的动乱。
Unemployment is in double-digits in Spain, Italy and France& and Greek-style revolts against economic austerity and the EU are distinctly possible. 西班牙、意大利和法国的失业率盘踞在两位数高位,完全可能出现针对经济紧缩政策和欧盟的希腊式反抗。
The most violent revolts and the most serious disorders have invariably occurred in places where the local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords perpetrated the worst outrages. 凡是反抗最力、乱子闹得最大的地方,都是土豪劣绅、不法地主为恶最甚的地方。
Revolts broke out as soon as the first Qin emperor died in 210 B.C. 公元前210年-秦始皇死的那年,起义爆发。
For in these revolutions, the one who revolts is not the people; it is the king. 错了。因为,在革命中反抗的不是人民,而是国王。
It revolts me to know that the world spends so much money on arms, yet millions of people are dying of hunger. 全世界在武器上花费了这么多钱,而数以百万计的人却快要饿死了,这使我很反感。
Student revolts that pushed Marxist-Leninism to the fore in europe. 把马列主义推到了欧洲前台来的学生反抗活动。
Many of the revolts of 2011 pit an internationally-connected elite against ordinary citizens who feel excluded from the benefits of economic growth, and angered by corruption. 2011年的许多民变,都是感觉未享受到经济增长好处、并对腐败感到愤慨的普通民众,对全球联系紧密的精英阶层的反抗。
The revolts dismembered the country. 叛乱使国家四分五裂。
But the result of revolts actually can only be the compromise finally. 而反抗的结果最终却只能是妥协,从中强烈地体现出了悲剧意识。
Civil organizations and government employed and bought some armed steamboats in order to protect merchant ships, attack pirates and squash revolts. 民间与政府先后雇佣和购买了一批武装轮船,用于护航、捕盗和对内战争。
In fact what Iwant to say is, that even in the faults and blemishes of body, mind and character of the real Chinaman, there is nothing which revolts you. 事实上我想说,既便在真正的中国人的身体、心灵和性格的毛病和缺点里面,也不会有什么让你厌恶的地方。
Rage at the wealth and corruption of the ruling elite fuelled the revolts in Tunisia and Egypt. 对执政精英的财富规模与腐败程度的愤怒,引发了突尼斯和埃及的起义活动。
Just the thought of kissing him revolts me. 一想到要亲吻他就让我觉得恶心。
No one could predict that the death of a Tunisian vegetable vendor would spark revolts across the Middle East, threatening regimes from Libya to Iran. 没人能料到,突尼斯一名菜贩的死亡,会掀起整个中东地区的反叛浪潮,从利比亚到伊朗的各个政权都受到威胁。
Withinthree years of Qin Shi Huangdi's death, widespread revolts by peasants, prisoners, soldiers, and descendants of the nobles of the Six WarringStates sprang up all over China. 三年之内秦始皇之死,广泛起义的农民,囚犯,士兵,以及子孙的贵族六战国兴起全国各地。
The students, the coming generation with their revolts, with their political activities, with their reasonable and unreasonable demands, scoff at all religion. 学生们、未来的一代带着他们的反叛、带着他们的政治活动以及合理或不合理的要求,嘲笑一切宗教。
Permanent associations in order to make provision beforehand for these occasional revolts. 他们甚至建立了永久性的团体,以便为偶然发生的反抗准备食品。
A strong and healthy mind revolts against the morbid view that life is not worth living, that every form of conscious existence is an evil. 一个强大和健康的心智起义对病态认为,生活是不值得的生活,这一切形式的意识的存在是一种罪恶。
They are witnesses of continual revolts against the dominion of neighboring England in Scottish history. 沿途很多昔日的要塞,都是苏格兰历史上不断反抗邻近的英格兰统治的见证。
Human nature revolts against such a crime. 人性厌恶这样的罪行。
With the leadership of him, Yunnan Double Ninth Festival Revolts have made contribution for Chinese revolution. 在他的领导下,取得了云南重九起义的胜利,为中国革命做出了贡献。
The society has played the vital role in this revolt, the society is this time revolts the most basic dependence strength. 在这次起义中会党发挥了重要的作用,会党是这次起义最基本的依靠力量。
Morale was low and several backbench revolts had occurred. 士气低落,后座议员中已经有几人倒戈。
But when hunger is stronger than the fear of being shot, peasant revolts take place. 但当饥饿超过枪杀的恐惧时,农民起义便发生了。
We don't mean deny the world as a schoolboy revolts against his parents. 我们说否定这个世界的意思,不是像男学生那样叛逆他的父母。
It is possible to see behind such revolts mere conspiracies. 可能有人会认为这些起义完全是策反的结果;
I eat vegetables because my conscience revolts against killing animals. 我吃蔬菜,因为我从良心上对杀生感到厌恶。
The result saw a familiar pattern from angry middle class revolts from Venezuela to the Philippines, in which these groups disdained elections and fought back in the streets, toppling Mr Thaksin, in a coup in 2006. 其结果是,这些群体蔑视选举结果,走上街头进行反击,并在2006年以一场军事政变推翻了他信政府。这与委内瑞拉和菲律宾等国愤怒的中产阶级起来反抗的情景十分相似。