There was damp everywhere and the entire building was in need of rewiring. 到处都受了潮,整栋楼需要重新布线。
The report-The Impact of Digital Technologies On Human Wellbeing-concluded that there is no neurological evidence to suggest that the internet is more effective at 'rewiring' our brains than other environmental influences. 这一题为《数字技术对人类幸福的影响》的研究报告得出结论说,目前并没有神经学上的证据表明网络比其他外界影响力能更有效地改装大脑。
You could replace the existing help behavior by rewiring the existing menu items, but that isn't advisable. 通过重写现有菜单项,您能够替代现有的帮助行为,但这是不可取的。
The impact of changing demands on the business can be minimized and absorbed by rewiring business components rather than wholesale application code changes. 可以通过重新编写业务组件(而非完全更改整个应用程序代码)来最小化和专注于业务需求变化的影响。
I stubbed out Users in the previous article(" Rewiring Grails with custom URIs and codecs") because the name field was a integral part of the URI. 我删除了此前文章(“用定制URI和codec优化Grails中的URI”)中的User,因为name字段是URI的重要组成部分。
For example, programming the first ENIAC required physical rewiring to change its programming. 例如,对第一个ENIAC编程需要物理重新布线以便更改其编程。
Oxford University expert Susan Greenfield believes constant computer and internet use may be 'rewiring the brain', shortening attention spans, encouraging instant gratification and causing a loss of empathy. 牛津大学专家苏珊格林菲尔德认为,持续使用电脑和网络会重装大脑、使人注意力不集中、鼓励即时满足、并使人丧失与他人的共鸣。
Thus, instead of rewiring the hardware for each new program, the programmer merely needs to supply a new set of control signals. 这样就无需为每个新程序重新进行硬件布线,程序员仅仅需要提供一系列新的控制信号。
I'm sure the whole place would need rewiring. 我想整个地方都得重新布线。
You do only a rewiring requiring no extra registers or logic. 只需重编位,而不需额外寄存器或逻辑单元。
Rewiring the'packaging signals'in the genetic material of the influenza virus can stop it recombining with other influenza strains to make a new, stronger virus, researchers have found. 科学家发现,改变这种流感病毒遗传物质的“包装信号”可以让它停止与其他流感毒株重组成新的、更强的病毒。
By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry. 当他重新完成了房间布线,我的指甲就干了。
But the hydrogen-bomb project offered him the freedom and the money to build a new type of computer: a "stored-program" machine that could be reconfigured quickly to perform different tasks by changing its software, rather than rewiring its hardware. 但氢弹项目给了他权限与金钱来建造一种新型计算机,一种无需更改硬件,只要修改软件就能完成不同工作的“内储程序”机。
Electrical Reinforcement and Rewiring Programme Coal feeder is one of the most important equipments in a power factory. 加强供电及重铺电力装置计划给煤机是燃煤火力发电厂的重要设置。
You're just gonna have to do some rewiring. 你得重接电线了。
Astronauts did some rewiring and hooked up TV cameras outside the station. 宇航员走出太空舱对电视摄影机进行了重装。
That is what will hold the key to opening all humanity to the rewiring process. 那是掌握打开全人类重组电路的程序的关键。
Reputation-based rewiring strategy for distributed task allocation 分布式任务分配中的一种信誉重连策略
These genes play a role in rewiring the neurons in the nucleus accumbens. 这些基因在阿肯伯氏核中的重新布局方面起着重要的作用。
I am currently supervising the rewiring of the entire building. 我正在为整幢大楼重新布线。
The entire process is starting to shift for you now as this rewiring begins for all. 当这电路重组全面开始的时候,整个的程序现在为你开始改变。
For most tumors of the adult, cancer cells result from the rewiring of control circuits in response to a hostile environment. 对于大多数得肿瘤的成人,癌细胞是由于控制回路为了应对恶劣环境通过信号通路重组而导致的。
Simulation Study on the Brake Performance of Heavy-duty Vehicle Hydraulic Retarder Electrical Reinforcement and Rewiring Programme 重型车液力缓速器制动性能仿真研究加强供电及重铺电力装置计划
We propose a generalized coupled network model in which three possible network links are considered, including rewiring links between old nodes, direct links between new node and old node, and cross links between nodes in two different networks. 提出了一种推广的耦合网络模型,该模型考虑了耦合网络中可能存在的三种主要连接:老节点之间的再生连接、新节点与老节点间的直接连接以及两网络中的交叉连接。
Synaptic plasticity is thought to be important for learning and memory, and activity-dependent circuit rewiring. 突触强度的可塑性被认为很可能是学习记忆和活动依赖性环路构建的重要机制。
P value of hypergeometric cumulative distribution of modules and the disturbance analysis on the data, including adding, removing and rewiring interactions, are employed to evaluate the prediction quality and robustness of the method. 通过超几何分布P值法和增、删、改相互作用的方法对聚类结果进行预测能力分析和稳定性分析。
We mainly focus on how the payoff parameter, memory length, average degree and rewiring probability of WS small-world network affect the frequency of cooperation and the final steady strategy pattern. 在这些网络上,我们着重研究了收益系数、记忆长度、网络的平均度以及WS小世界网络重连概率等对博弈系统中合作频率的影响。
When the demand of the industrial equipment monitoring changes, the wired network need to rewiring. So the adaptability and extensibility of the monitoring system are poor. 此外,当工业设备监控需求变化时,有线网络需要重新布线,适应性和扩展性比较差。
In technology dependent logic synthesis, a rewiring algorithm based on set of pairs of functions to be distinguished for post-mapping LUT is proposed. 在工艺相关的逻辑综合中,提出了一种基于可划分集合,对查找表网络进行重连线的优化算法。
PLC has the advantage of without rewiring, Hi-speed data communication network building and small investment. It can transfer signals faster than the existing wireless techniques. PLC具有不需要重新布线、数据通信网络建设速度快和投资少的特点,可以实现传输速度高于现有无线技术的通信。