VERB 重述;改写;改变…的措辞 When you reword something that is spoken or written, you try to express it in a way that is more accurate, more acceptable, or more easily understood.
All right, I'll reword my question... 好的,我会换个说法来问。
Daytrading is a unique undertaking that has a large potential for rewords, but also a large potential for losses. 日内交易(当日冲销)的特殊之处在于能带来巨大的潜在回报,但同时也蕴涵巨大的潜在损失可能。
The Application of Rewords and Penalties Evaluation& Developmental Evaluation Formulating Merit Pay Programs 奖惩性与发展性教师评价在制定绩效工资方案中的应用
In other rewords, the way tomatoes grow from a natural seed is changed. 换句话说,西红柿从自然种籽生长的方式改变了。
Work efficiency management which studies in establishing practical technical orders, and providing reasonable working procedural personnel followed with efficient assessing, and being aided with reasonable rewords and punishment measures is a local management. 工效管理主要是现场管理,基本内容是制定一个合理的工艺流程,配备合理的工序人员,并能有效地考核,辅以合理的奖惩措施。