The threat is likely to remain in abeyance until next year's meeting in Reykjavik. 这一威胁很可能会一直存在下去,直至明年的雷克雅未克会议。
Work commitments forced her to uproot herself and her son from Reykjavik. 她的工作迫使她和儿子从雷克雅未克搬走。
Reykjavik is trendy with a lot of globetrotters nowadays. 雷克雅未克现在是很多环游世界者的新宠。
Obviously both sides want to avoid the cold war imagery, but the US and the Soviet Union held such meetings for decades in neutral locations such as Malta, Vienna and Reykjavik when it was deemed inconvenient to plan a home match. 显然双方都希望避免给人以冷战的形象,但美国和苏联曾在几十年期间因为不便安排互访,而在马耳他、维也纳和雷克雅未克等中立地点多次举行此类会议。
The Icelandic capital is, without doubt, one of the world's wildest party towns, and for a night out the good folk of Reykjavik are hard to beat. 毫无疑问,冰岛首都是世界上最狂野的派对城镇之一。快乐的雷克雅未克人晚上玩得很疯狂,无人能及。
Everyone has heard the story of going to a family event and running into a girl you hooked up with some time ago, said Einar Magnusson, a graphic designer in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik. 很多人都听过这样的故事:一个人在家庭聚会上遇到了自己前阵子钓到的姑娘,来自冰岛首都雷克雅未克的一个平面设计师艾纳-马格努森说。
If I sell flights to Reykjavik and you Google flights to Iceland, I want one of those ad spaces. 如果我销售飞往冰岛首都雷克雅未克的航班机票,而你在谷歌搜索飞冰岛机票,那么我会想要一个广告位置。
The relations between London and Reykjavik are almost as frosty now as they were then, with the prime minister using the most undiplomatic of language and threatening to sue the government of Iceland. 但是现在伦敦和雷克雅未克之间的关系仍然像以前一样僵,英国首相布朗使用非外交辞令,威胁会起诉冰岛政府。
In my current city Reykjavik, Iceland Chinese are building by part but it is not staying correct at all. 就我现在所在的城市&冰岛的雷克雅维克来说,中囯人搞组装式建筑可是一点儿都不靠谱。
Reykjavik is Iceland's capital and the only real city. 雷克雅未克是冰岛的首都和第一大城市。
Such a shift is roughly the equivalent of the current average temperatures in Edinburgh tumbling to match those in Reykjavik, Iceland. 这样一种极端恶劣的气候的变化相当于从爱丁堡、苏格兰目前的平均气温,骤降到冰岛雷克雅维克的地区的气温,同时对于农业生产和牲畜的影响更是不言而喻。
Yet, walking around Reykjavik and other cities this summer, one sees no signs of economic distress. 不过,今年夏季漫步在冰岛首都雷克雅未克及其它城市街头,人们看不到经济危机的迹象。
A homemade banner, made of sheets, hangs over the main motorway in Reykjavik, tied to the railings of a bridge. 一条用被单自制的横幅悬在雷克雅未克高速公路主干道上,系在一座桥的栏杆上。
The MSc in International Business at Reykjavik University is a two-year programme ( 120 ECTS). 在雷克雅未克大学硕士国际商务是一个为期两年的计划(120常态)。
"Of course the same aspects as last year would be discussed within the Ministry," Johannes Tomasson, a spokesperson for the Ministry in Reykjavik, said. “当然,与去年相同的问题将在我部得到讨论,”内政部发言人约翰内斯托马森(johannestomasson)在雷克雅未克表示。
The loss of the Golden Arches highlights the extent of Iceland's economic demise since the pre-crisis boom years when its Viking Raider entrepreneurs turned Reykjavik into an international finance centre and launched a buying spree of high-profile European assets. 失去金色M标志凸显出冰岛经济瘫痪的程度。在危机前的景气时期,有维京掠夺者之称的冰岛企业家将雷克雅未克变成了国际金融中心,并掀起了一股抢购引人瞩目的欧洲资产的狂潮。
The company was founded in1996 and headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland. 该公司成立于1996年,总部设在冰岛的雷克雅末。
Electronica Reykjavik is the story of a revolution in music. 汝是一个充满活力的国际大学坐落在雷克雅未克,冰岛首都。
It would be, but there are no boats in Reykjavik. 也许是,但是在雷克雅未克没有船。
It was not difficult to walk around Reykjavik, as the capital city only had two streets. 在雷克雅未克闲逛并不困难,因为这个首都城市只有两条大街。
Academic programs at Reykjavik University are based on internationally recognized models, and are continually under review and improvement. 在雷克雅未克大学的学术课程是基于国际公认的模式,正在不断检讨和改善。
A wander through Reykjavik shows you Christmas has not exactly been stolen. 在雷克雅未克的街上逛逛你就会发现,圣诞节还没有完全被偷走。
Depositors in other countries, who were entitled to compensation from the Icelandic deposit-insurance fund, found that the pot in Reykjavik was too small to pay them when the banks went bust. 外国存款人发现,尽管受冰岛存款保险基金保护,但如果银行果真倒闭,雷克雅未克(注7)根本无力补偿他们所受的损失。
Reykjavik would consult NATO allies before a final go-ahead, he added. 他补充称,冰岛政府将在最终批准前,将与北约盟国进行磋商。
In Reykjavik, thanks to your serious and consistent efforts in pursuit of peace, a major step was taken in this direction. 感谢你在冰岛对于推动和平所做的认真持续的努力,并朝着这个方向前进了一大步。
But Baugur has attempted to stymie the process by filing for protection from its creditors in Reykjavik. 但baugur试图通过申请针对其冰岛债权人的破产保护,以阻挠上述进程。
In August 2007, former Salvadoran finance minister Manuel hinds and I spoke out at a Reykjavik conference in favour of Iceland unilaterally "euroising". 2007年8月,前萨尔瓦多财政部长曼努埃尔海因兹(manuelhinds)与我在雷克雅未克一次支持冰岛进行单边“欧元化”的会议上进行了交流。
Reykjavik University and MIT will continue to collaborate in research, teaching and student exchange. 雷克雅未克大学和麻省理工学院将继续合作研究,教学和学生交流。
The road between capital Reykjavik and Selfoss was closed by quake damage. 连接首都雷克雅末和塞尔福斯市的道路交通已因地震破坏而中断。