There are two groups of people shooting rhinos in southern Africa today. 在今天的非洲大陆南部,有两类人枪击犀牛。
Why are rhinos dying again? 为什么犀牛再一次相继死去?
Attacks on rhinos and elephants are multiplying at an alarming rate. 犀牛和大象越来越频繁地遭到攻击,达到了令人警觉的地步。
'Rhinos are out there all the time, it's just a question of when you are susceptible,' she said. 她说:鼻病毒一直都存在,问题在于你什么时候会变得易受感染。
He traveled to Africa in 2012 and recently released a book and documentary on the severe risks faced by elephants and rhinos due to poaching for their tusks and horns. 他于2012年前往非洲,并在前不久推出了一本书和相关纪录片,介绍盗取象牙和犀牛角的偷猎活动,给大象和犀牛带来的严峻威胁。
According to the World Wildlife Fund, a record 448 rhinos were poached in 2011 and more than half that number already have been killed illegally so far this year. 根据世界野生动物基金会统计,记录表明在2011年有448头犀牛遭到猎杀,而今年迄今为止已经有这个数字半数以上的犀牛遭到非法屠杀。
This month the White House announced a ban on new commercial ivory sales in the US and released a national strategy to address the illegal exploitation of elephants, rhinos and other wildlife. 本月,白宫宣布在美国禁止新的商业象牙销售,并推出一项全国战略,应对大象、犀牛和其他野生动物的非法猎杀。
You probably read up on certain types of endangered species, like some rhinos, tigers or gorillas. 你可能熟知一些濒危物种,比如说某种犀牛、老虎或者是大猩猩。
At this rate we are on a path towards the extinction of both elephants and rhinos on the African continent. 按照这种速度,非洲大陆的大象和犀牛将会灭绝。
It will be difficult to expand other refuges because rhinos and rice flourish in the same kinds of places. 难以扩大其它的保护区,因为犀牛和稻子生长在同类地区。
I'd go to Africa by ship. I'd see elephants, rhinos, lions and other animals. 我要坐船去非洲。我要看看大象、犀牛、狮子以及其他动物。
Is this culture producing rhinos or cows? 目前的深圳人是犀牛还是牛?
The park harbors three quarters of the world's Indian one-horned rhinos& 11 per square mile. 卡兹兰加国家公园为世界上四分之三的印度独角犀牛提供了庇护,在这里,平均每平方英里的土地上就生活着11只独角犀。
Villagers have also complained of elephants, rhinos and buffalo destroying food crops as they wander away from the parks in search of food and water. 村民还抱怨大象、犀牛和水牛从野生公园跑出来寻找食物和水的时候破坏了他们的粮食作物。
Teeth and bones from late Ice Age animals, including hyenas, deer and woolly rhinos, have been discovered by archaeologists at a cave in Devon. 英国德文郡的考古学家在一个山洞中发现了冰河时期的动物牙齿和骨骼,包括斑鬣狗、鹿和犀牛。
There are many reports of people taming and even training Indian rhinos. 有许多关于人们驯养甚至训练印度犀牛的记载。
A new report says the illegal killing of Rhinos for their horns is increasing in Africa and Asia. 一份新的报告称,在非洲和亚洲,非法猎杀犀牛以谋取牛角呈上升态势。
Crocodiles for their hides, rhinos for their horns, and birds for their beautiful feathers. 要鳄鱼的皮,犀牛的角,还有鸟的漂亮的羽毛。
Some of Africa's last black rhinos are protected here. 有些非洲仅剩的黑犀牛在这里加以保护。
In ancient times, in pleasant contrast to the present, rhinos were worth as much alive as dead. 在古代,活犀牛和死犀牛是同样有价值的,这与现代形成了鲜明的对照。
The leaflet went on to explain, there are two kinds of people in the world: rhinos and cows. 传单跟我们解释了,世上有两种人:犀牛和牛。
Nepal's only zoo has opened a "honeymoon suite" for its two one-horned rhinos in the hope of persuading the endangered pair to breed, AFP reports. 据法新社报道,为了帮助一对濒危的独角犀牛繁衍后代,尼泊尔唯一的一所动物园专门为它们开设了一套“蜜月套房”。
These include both wild rhinos and black rhinos in the wild in Africa. 这包括野生犀牛以及生活在非洲野外的黑犀牛。
Help him to fight enemies ( rhinos and other sharks) and collect objects found on his way. 帮助他对抗敌人(犀牛和其他的鲨鱼),并且收集在途中被发现的道具。
What do we got? Gang of terrible rhinos? 这回我们碰到了谁?恶犀帮?
This sanctuary is home to some of the few remaining rhinos in botswana, eight at the present moment. 卡玛犀牛保护区是博茨瓦纳仅存的少数犀牛的家园,目前共有八只。
In the first half of this year alone, for example, poachers killed 281 rhinos in South Africa, compared with 418 in 2011 and 333 in 2010, according to government data. 例如,官方数据显示,仅今年上半年,偷猎者就在南非猎杀了281头犀牛,而在2011年和2010年这个数字分别为418头和333头。
Not far, lions, elephants, giraffes and rhinos are walking beside the lake. 远处,狮子,大象,长颈鹿,西牛正在湖边漫步。