Microscopic identification of pharmacognosy method was used to observe the root and rhizome of Atractylodes characteristics in the organization of the difference. 针对关苍术根和根茎混用的现象,从性状、显微、理化性质方面,对关苍术根和根茎进行生药学鉴定,从而区分关苍术的根和根茎。
Dried rhizome of rehmannia and other herbs are also added. 同时也会加一些干地黄和其他的草药。
TLC method was adopted to qualitatively identify gentian, Szechuan lovage rhizome, radix scutellariae and mint in the prescription. 采用薄层色谱法对处方中的龙胆草、川芎、黄芩、薄荷进行定性鉴别。
These leaves arise from an underground stem rhizome from which also extend the roots. 这些叶都由地下茎产生,地下茎也有根。
Rhizome growth characteristics and age determination of Rhodiola fastigiata 长鞭红景天主轴生长特性与年龄判定
Its above-ground, below-ground and rhizome biomass were biggest under dry-wet alternate conditions; 毛苔草地上、地下以及根茎生物量均在干湿交替条件下最大;
Effect of N, P, K on Rhizome Yield and Diosgenin Content of Dioscorea zingiberensis 氮磷钾对盾叶薯蓣产量及薯蓣皂苷元含量的影响
Research about Fertilize Effect to the Rhizome Output of Dioscorea nipponica 施肥对穿龙薯蓣根茎产量影响的研究
Druce. Result: Flower can regenerate plante by callus, while rhizome can regenerate adventitious bud directly. 结果:花通过愈伤组织可形成再生植株,根状茎可直接分化出不定芽。
Thickness reflects the mature degree of rhizome. 根状茎粗度反映了根状茎的成熟程度。
Results The morphological and microscopical characteristics of root, rhizome, leaves and powder of Ophioglossum vulgatum were described. 结果观察和描述一叶草的性状,根、根茎、叶的组织构造和全草粉末的显微特征。
Study on Emodin Contents in Rhizome and Stem Leaf of Polygonum Cuspidatum Gathered in Different Seasons 不同季节虎杖根茎与茎叶中大黄素含量变化研究
Conclusion: The characteristics can be used to differentiate the rhizome of Begonia sinensis. 结论:这些特征可作为中华秋海棠根茎鉴别的依据。
The secondary vascular tissues are the chief tissues that accumulate and store rhubarb polysaccharide in rhizome. 次生维管组织为大黄多糖贮藏和积累的主要组织。
Fern of Europe and Asia Minor having short slender rhizome and densely tufted bright green parsleylike fronds. 欧洲和小亚细亚一带具有短小剑状根茎和亮绿的似欧芹复叶的一种丛生蕨类。
ConclusionMicrowave method is helpful to extract the polysaccharides in the Reed rhizome, and it demonstrates the antioxidant activity of the polysaccharides. 结论微波法对芦根中的多糖的提取有辅助作用,芦根多糖具有一定的抗氧化活性。
Rhizome short and stout, densely covered with golden brown long hairs. 根状茎粗短,近横卧地面,密被金黄褐色长毛。
It was preliminarily investigated that microbe make fresh iris rhizome producing aroma of irone by fermentation in this paper. 对影响鸢尾新鲜根状茎发酵生香的微生物进行了初步探讨。
Pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a seasoning especially in Oriental cookery. 普通姜植物的有刺激性味道的根茎;生姜用作调味品,尤其在东方烹调术中。
German iris having large white flowers with lavender-tinged falls and a fragrant rhizome. 一种欧洲鸢尾,具有白色的花,熏衣草花色的重瓣和芳香的根。
Large Australasian evergreen fern with an edible rhizome sometimes used as a vegetable by indigenous people. 澳大利西亚一种大型的常绿蕨类,其根茎可以食用,有时被当地居民当作蔬菜。
With the decrease of light intensity, rhizome biomass of clone and per unit length declined. 随着光照强度的降低,无性系单位长度根茎生物量下降。
A cigar with square-cut ends. plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber. 雪茄一种方头的雪茄烟接球茎、根茎或块茎的植物。
OBJECTIVE A field experiment was conducted to investigate the different effects of various plant growth regulators on diosgenin contents and rhizome yields of Dioscorea zingiberensis. 目的大田条件下,研究几种植物生长调节剂对盾叶薯蓣根茎中薯蓣皂苷元含量及根茎产量的影响。
Objective: To study the optimum extraction conditions for lipophilic parts of rhizome of Salvia przewalskii Maxim. 目的:研究甘西鼠尾草脂溶性成分提取工艺的最佳条件。
Objective: To study a specific TLC identification of the Mulberry Bark ( MB) and the Swallowwort Rhizome ( SRh) and the Stemona Root ( SR) in the cough infusion of loquat leaf. 研究和比较了止咳枇杷冲剂中桑白皮、白前和百部中特征化学成分的提取和薄层色谱鉴别的条件。
The right time to collect rhizome should be at the stage of twining stem withering. 合适的采挖期仍以地上缠绕茎枯萎期为宜。
Objective To make a rapid determination of ferulic acid and identification of its structure in rhizome of Phragmites communis ( RPC). 目的对芦根中阿魏酸含量和结构进行快速测定和分析。
Plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber. 接球茎、根茎或块茎的植物。
Studies on the Developmental Anatomy of Rhizome of Dioscorea zingiberensis and Its Histochemistry 盾叶薯蓣根状茎的发育解剖学和组织化学研究